Some pics of my fish

sorry i hope this works this time


  • New_Windows_BMP_Image.JPG
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heres one of my females, the silver is a female also. for a while this one and the silver thought they were a breeding pair as well


  • Picture_128.jpg
    62.4 KB · Views: 48
Thats isn't a common Pleco it looks like a Gibbiceps Pleco. :D
thanks for the nomination 55gallon dude

and snowyangel, thanks for the talent comment but that might only be due the camera quality :D , and yeah cories are great they sure add energy to the aquarium

ryan, i'm really not sure what kind of plec it is, but it was sold to me as a common plec so thats what i call it. Im also not willing to look through all the available pics on planet catfish. I dont think it is a gibbiceps because all the pictures i've seen of gibbiceps their patterns are circular or hexagonal while mine is a reticulated pattern (not sure if thats the right word). But if you know anymore on specifics of it or other suggestions im all ears
Hi, I have to agree it dosen't look much like a Gibbicep.

Here is a pic of mine. The sixth photo. :D

Dose this look anything like your in your opinion?
thanks martin

exiled- thanks for the nomination and its a fuji s3000, i think one or two models less than kens

ryan- doesnt look like yours to me, but i have been interested in the gibbiceps and yours looks great

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