My son Dean 12 weeks later


Fish Herder
Feb 29, 2004
Reaction score
Dublin, Ireland
This my son Dean at 12 weeks, This was taken today just after his bath.

This is when he was only a few hours old.


And this is him now

I love his new hair-do :wub: :p

He's so precious,Nidge. Hard to believe he's 3 months old already. Next thing you know he'll be sitting up,then rocking on his knees,then mobile...then their off! :rolleyes:
I know, Time flies :rolleyes:
He's the best kid anyone could ask for. He has the biggest smile and he is trying to talk (well we think he is anyway :wub:)
He must be the most photographed kid in the world :D
dbollack said:
Wow nidge he has cool eyes, are they a grey color.
I think they call that Hazel?

He is a little cutie pie!!! My cousin's GF just had one 4 weeks ago...he's pretty photographed as well lol..I told them he's gonna be blind if they don't stop flahing the camera in his face lol.
Aww, look at the chubby cheeks. He's a adorable. I remember when you first posted a photo of him, amazing how fast time goes by. So treasure every moment, they grow up way too fast

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