Pictures galore!


Fish Fanatic
Feb 16, 2005
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I figured I'd post some pics! Here's me.


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In addition to fish, I've got a slew of other pets. Including two horses: this one is Duke. He's a 14 year old appendix quarter horse. That means he's got some thoroughbred in him. He's a really mellow, pretty cheesey kind of guy. A definate LADY'S MAN.


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Here is Cinder! She is almost 2 years old. I've been training her since she was 6 months old. As you can guess from the picture, she's a bit of a HAM.


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I've got FIVE CATS, too. Here on the bed is Elliot (the big grey one - we rescued him from a neglectful owner), Merlin (the orange and white cornish rex, extremely neurotic!), and Milash (the stripey one we raised from 10 days old).


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And here is MOOCH, whose favorite pastime is watching the fish. His favorite is the red tailed shark - whenever he swims by Mooch gets very excited and starts pawing at the glass. We rescued Mooch from a barn where he was sick and scrawny. He is BEST FRIENDS with the crazy cornish rex.

We also have one female stripey cat named NERMAL but she hates the camera so we have no pictures of her.


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We've got a leopard gecko who's almost three years old now. His name is Scy and he lives in a 20 Gallon Long terrarium.


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Last one :p

These are two orphan ducklings I found on Saturday. We haven't named them yet, but they are eating and drinking great, and are active and super friend to boot. I think we'll keep them. :thumbs:


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Milash looks just like my reggie!! (See avatar)
That picture of Cinder is too funny. Very cute
Awesome animals :wub: I love them all,...but the ducks,the ducks!! :hyper: I used to have a pair of mallards that had free run of the house and backyard,they were amazing pets :wub:

By the way, you're amazingly beautiful :)
:lol: Thanks all! I was checking out other member's pics, and I have to say this has to be one of the most "good looking" boards around. Only foxy people keep fish, right? :p (that's you all, not ME, mind you)

We need names for those ducks so you have any suggestion... ;)

MAM - does your cat have a WIDE behind, too? We nicknamed Milash "meat ball" because he's got such a big caboose. Definately "pear" shaped.

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