Angelfish pair???


Al Bundy
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Dec 12, 2003
Reaction score
i just noticed that one of my angelfish tries to nip my other angels gills only when the light is on.

I rang 3 lfs and visited one, 3 of them said the angel nipping the other angel's fins is a male wanting to breed, and the other is a female who isn't ready yet. the other lfs said it was a territorial thing...

is it territorial, or are they going to be breeding!!! i need some advice! :nod:
sorry for all the posts but i was clicking back, and trying to repost becuase i kept getting this message

Mail Error!

SMTP protocol failure!
Host: localhost
Return Code: 550
Return Msg: 550 Cannot route to
Invision Power Board Error:
Check your SMTP settings from the admin control panel

and had no idea what it meant, it would be great if a mod could clean up after me, thank for understanding!!! ;)
sorry to be so hasty and anxious, but i need some opinions a.s.a.p incase i need to seperate them, and possily get a new tank for breeding them
hey doggfather, I would wait to see what happens between the two. If the fin nipping is a territorial thing they can sometimes work it out after domination has been established. I'm not sure about the specifics of your tank but a few more angels might make the territorial issue easier because it spreads out the aggression instead of focusing on one "weaker" fish. If in your opinion the attacks are too brutal then I would seperate them. If you can't do more angels then make plenty of hiding spaces for the "weaker" fish, or a division in the middle with tall plants so the dominant fish has a more defined area for its territory.
On the other hand, if it's a breeding pair, I would still wait until the point the fish are actually breeding before the necessity of a new tank. This is because many fishes first spawns are unsuccessful or produce very little fry. So if you were to notice them having spawned then remove the eggs so they don't terrorize the tankmates, and after that then go ahead and get the other tank. If you want to try to artificially raise them, then do some research and go ahead and give it a try.
But if you notice the two becoming friendlier to each other (hanging out, cleaning at leaves or other smooth surfaces) you might have a pair, and could probably do another tank at that time. (Also, some pairs might not stay pairs after being moved.)
It's also nice just having an extra tank, but it really depends on if you can, or have too. Well, I hope this helps ( and if anybody sees any incorrect info let me know)
thanks for all your help, it dosn't seem to be a brutal attack.

I observed my angelfish, and saw the white thing (forget what it's called) coming out from under it, pretty small though, it's too small to be able to sex them at this point, since i read the males was pointy, and the females was round...i'm pretty sure i can see the white things...i'm just not expireanced at looking the them, so it might not be :dunno:
Sounds like they are getting ready to spawn to me....very similar to wahat happened with mine....keep an eye on them and see what happens, fascinating to watch if they do.... :thumbs:

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