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  1. S


    Thank you all for the help :D , I'll keep checking the post for any more advice.
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    New bettas!

    Thats a realy nice Wal-Mart. All the Bettas in my local Wal-Mart have tail rot or just plain sick. :(
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    One color platy+another color platy=

    I saw some black and white platies at my local Petsupermarket. I've never seen platies with no orange on them. :blink:
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    Betta naming

    How about Adonis? -_-
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    I'm trying a small water change right now. I hope it works :look:
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    I'll remember that next time. Thanx
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    I was adding PH decreaser a couple days ago, PH was 7.4, but it looks like it droped to much.
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    ARGH!! My filter just died

    Have you checked if you need a new propeller thingy yet? You know the thing that does the suction. Thats what happed to my filter once.
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    Just bought two black mollies, Hurry! :D But I checked the PH in the tank and it's 6.6. I read that live breeders don't do to well in acidic water. What should I do all the lfs are closed now. The mollies are still in there bag. Could I dump the water thats in the bag into the tank? would it...
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    New bettas!

    I also love Loel and Azreal.
  11. S

    New bettas!

    Where do you get your bettas!? I love Ezra and Belial. :blink:
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    fancy guppys...find them where?

    There expensive online, maybe too expensive. Just check you'r local lfs and if they don't have any ask if there willing to get some for you.
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    What should i call them?

    If you need any ideas on names you could also do a search on yahoo for pet names. Thats what I did.
  14. S

    if you like hansome guppies

    oooo..COLORS :blink: He's realy pretty. :D
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    I got some realy awsome large flat crystal-like white rocks from my local petsupermarket. There kinda like the slate rocks, except white and semi-transperent. They go realy well with the blue gravel and green plants. I was planning on getting white plastic plants to match the rocks and maybe...
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    Guppy Advice Needed

    About how many? There not aggressive to each other? :unsure:
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    2.5 GALLON

    Could neons do well in a 2.5 gallon?
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    Should I cycle?

    Thank You. :) Guppies sound like a good idea, I've always liked the way they look. :cool:
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    How common are black guppies?

    We tend to get yellow and orange guppies only at my lfs.
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    Should I cycle?

    That was pretty much what I needed to know except, I Just wanted to know what kind of livebreeders you think would do well in a 5 gallon? Thanks again :fish:
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    Should I cycle?

    Thanks for the advice. :D Yes, also Naruto don't know if you've read it but there's a character in there who's name is Sakura too. I also just like the name. :fish:
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    Should I cycle?

    I was wondering if I should cycle my 5 gallon tank I set up about a week ago. I havn't decided on what fish to put in yet but I'd like to be prepaired. I also would like to know how to cycle a 5 gallon. I,ve never cyled before. :look: :fish:
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    How common are black guppies?

    How much were they selling them for?
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    What Decorations do you use?

    What interesting decorations have you put in your aquarium? I'm just trying to get some ideas on how to decorate my tank so it won't be so boring.
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    What's a good price for a guppy?

    :huh: Whats a good price for a fancy guppy pair?
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    New Tank!

    I finally finished setting up my 5 gallon :hooray: and all thats left to do is get some fish to put in it. But I don't know what kind of fish would do well in a 5 gallon. Please tell me what kind of fish you think would be a good idea for my tank. :fish:
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    Tank Mate Q

    Would a guppy make a good tank mate for a Betta in a 5 gallon?
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    Tail Rot Q's

    My betta was fine till recently. I have been noticing that his tail has been looking more shredded every day and today it's really obvious that something’s wrong. I don't know whether he has tail rot or if it's the plastic plant, which he never swims around it or through it, it's the only thing...
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    Tail Rot Q's

    My betta was fine till recently. I have been noticing that his tail has been looking more shredded every day and today it's really obvious that somthings wrong. I don't know whether he has tail rot or if it's the plastic plant, which he never swims around it or through it, it's the only thing in...
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    Beta with sudden fin damage

    Same thing has happened to my betta. I put him in my 5 gallon split three ways a couple of days ago. The only thing in his section is a plastic plant, but i don't think thats it. He hardly swims around it and I don't see any of those sighns of tail rot. What should I do. :dunno:
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    My creation is complete!!

    Thank You All right I'll do that. :D
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    Name My Betta!

    You should search the web for pet names. I printed out lists of names so that I wouldn't have a problem naming my pets. What color is he?
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    bad Pierce!

    That's interesting research, I just finished my divided three way 5 gallon tank. put Drakken on the left Odin on the right and Poseidon in the middle and I had Drak and Odin together in a little split tank now for about a month so when I put them in the new tank next to Posei they got a little...
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    Sounds great :cool: good luck finding a betta four your next tank. :D
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    My creation is complete!!

    I just finished my dividers for my 5 gallon yesterday, took me about a month to finish which includes buying the supplies cuting the slits in the tank for the dividers, cutting and drilling th acrilic dividers, and then setting up the tank. I now house my three bettas in it. I'll try and get...
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    Beta and ???

    I read the temp should be about 76 degrees for a betta, but since you're going to have other fish in the tank you should keep it cooler :cool: then that. I think they would be good tank mates
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    some picyures of my reef tank

    :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: WOW! I love your tank! :fun: I've always admired some one who can keep a marine aquarium. Makes me feel like an amateur :blush:. Hold on, I am an amateur :lol: :lol: .
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    First Try at Pictures

    Great tank! :hyper: What kind of gourami is that in the second pic :huh:
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    My Tank - New Photos!!

    I really like that rock :hyper:. What kind of fish is that??? :fish:
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    half tank picture....

    Thats one of the best tanks I've seen :hyper: I LUV IT :wub: How long have you had those fish??? :huh: :fish: