
Fish Fanatic
Oct 13, 2003
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Just bought two black mollies, Hurry! :D
But I checked the PH in the tank and it's 6.6. I read that live breeders don't do to well in acidic water. What should I do all the lfs are closed now. The mollies are still in there bag. Could I dump the water thats in the bag into the tank? would it help? There are no other fish in the tank.
whats the PH of your tap water? - a water change might help...

not sure why the PH would have dropped though if your tap water is dirrerent - any rocks in there?
Normally rocks raise pH, not lower it. If you want to acclimate them to the difference though, then put them and their water in a clean bucket or bowl then add about half a cup of the water (or a quarter if they don't have much to begin with) from the aquarium every 20 minutes or so for an hour. I've done something similar to this with saltwater fish but not freshwater though it should be compatiable.
I was adding PH decreaser a couple days ago, PH was 7.4, but it looks like it droped to much.
pH should never be messed with chemically. It'll cause more harm than good. It causes severe drops in the pH or severe raises and only temporarily at that.
I still have some of the stuff myself from when I first started out. I'm not sure what to do with it. The best way to alter pH is by adding or taking away certain minerals and metals to the water. Tap water usually has plenty of both and RO or filtered water has none.

If you want to lower your pH, do it with small water changes of RO or filtered water so your fish can adjust.
Hi SakuraX64 :)

Yes, do a bit of a water change, but not so much that you overly stress the fish you already have in your tank. At the same time, add little amounts of tank water to the bag and gradually change that.

Good luck. :thumbs:
Thank you all for the help :D , I'll keep checking the post for any more advice.
If I have this right, there are no other fish in there so just match the temp and do at least a 30 percent water change. You should be fine! My ph is 8 and I've yet to have any problems whatsoever with keeping fish healthy. Your ph of 7.4 is ideal, leave it alone from now on :) , really, the swings that you cause trying to get it to exactly 7 is not good for the fish.


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