bad Pierce!


Sep 3, 2003
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In My Own Little World
when i came home from school today intent on moving King into the .5g, i noticed Zane had a big gaping scratch on his back!

it didn't stop him from trying oh-so-hard to get Polly to like him, but still.

so, Pierce was moved. he doesn't mind the new digs, but get this; Mr. Agressive hasn't flared or even acknowledged Flash's existance! both usually puff and attack their reflections, but nada to their neighbor.

i've also discovered Pierce is a biggun. he's very wide (not just tummy-wide, but literally wide) while Flash has a more tapered, thin appearance. i'm doing a study on Bettas for the science fair, i was goign to use my three boys in it. it's a study on Betta genetics and if they affect agression. i think so! Pierce hates his reflection, but had a quiet conversation with Flash and admired his nest before trying a fin at building his own. i think, since Flash is wild-type coloration and Pierce's body structure looks much more like a Vietnamese Fighter (or Plakat, i believe) Betta. i've actually compared him to domestic and Plakat Bettas, he may have long fins but he 'looks' like a Plakat, you know what i mean?

anyway, since Plakats are a cross of the Imbellis and Splendens, perhaps the wild genes make both fish less agressive?

ahh, breakthroughs :D
That's interesting research, I just finished my divided three way 5 gallon tank.
put Drakken on the left Odin on the right and Poseidon in the middle and I had Drak and Odin together in a little split tank now for about a month so when I put them in the new tank next to Posei they got a little spooked when they saw that ther naighbor was a different betta. Posei is a bigger then both of them so there probably intimidated. Do you think they'll miss each other? :sad:
probably not ^^ they'll probably say their hellos and wave to their friend on the other lawn every morning when he goes to get the bloodworm.

for 'agressive, anti-social and territorial' fish they sure like their neighbors! :lol:

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