Should I cycle?


Fish Fanatic
Oct 13, 2003
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I was wondering if I should cycle my 5 gallon tank I set up about a week ago.
I havn't decided on what fish to put in yet but I'd like to be prepaired.

I also would like to know how to cycle a 5 gallon.
I,ve never cyled before. :look:

Two ways of doing it. (Oh yeah, you should :nod:).

The easiest is doing it with fish. i'd suggest getting a livebearer or a zebra danio. Get a water test kit and introduce the fish. After a month or so the nitrite and ammonia levels should be at 0.

It'd also be a good idea to do partial water changes in a tank that small while you are cycling.


By the way, Card Captors?
Thanks for the advice. :D

By the way, Card Captors?

Yes, also Naruto don't know if you've read it but there's a character in there who's name is Sakura too. I also just like the name.

I asked my friend that once and got the exact same answer!

No, I'm not familiar with it. :no:

By the way, was my advice ok, do I need to be more specific, need more replies from other people?
That was pretty much what I needed to know except, I Just wanted to know what kind of livebreeders you think would do well in a 5 gallon?

Thanks again :fish:
Not mollies or swordtails.

The best thing to use is a platy or guppy.

You can have the mollies and swords if you plan on moving them to bigger quarters. Otherwise the platies and guppies should suffice.

It might be a good idea to cycle it without fish, but I suggested it this way because you're new to cycling. :dunno:
SakuraX64 said:
That was pretty much what I needed to know except, I Just wanted to know what kind of livebreeders you think would do well in a 5 gallon?

Thanks again :fish:
once its cycled guppies would easily work. probably mollies to though you need to watch their adult size.
Thank You. :)

Guppies sound like a good idea, I've always liked the way they look. :cool:

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