Beta and ???


Jul 26, 2003
Reaction score
New York
I'm setting up a tank for my brother. I want to keep it simple because I'll also be cleaning it. I was thinking of 1 beta, 6 neon tetra and 2 swordtails. Do you think the beta would work with these fish? What temp should you keep the tank with beta in it?
I read the temp should be about 76 degrees for a betta, but since you're going to have other fish in the tank you should keep it cooler :cool: then that. I think they would be good tank mates
I think you should consider scrapping the swordtails and go with a few more neons or perhaps some zebra danios.

I don't think the Betta will bother the small fast moving fish.
Two good reasons to get a pleco for your tank:
1. They eat scraps to help keep the tank clean, means less stress on your filter
2. They are built like a tank, so they are pretty much well protected from the mouths of others
3. They come in different colors, I'm aiming for an Imperial Zebra Pleco

Good luck! :alien:

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