fancy guppys...find them where?


May 2, 2004
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does anybody know a site where i can find fancy guppys and their prices? thx
It might be a better idea to get them from a pet store. Chances are you'd pay more for the fish after S&H. :/

That is, of course, unless you were to buy in bulk.
Check on eBay. I see them listed all the time, though sometimes they are a bit pricey.
never seen them on ebay before but i find heer in the uk they have loads of them at the lfs
There expensive online, maybe too expensive. Just check you'r local lfs and if they don't have any ask if there willing to get some for you.
thx all...ill check all those refrences. it lfs is commercial and doesnt stock many types of fish i look for...not even female gouramis/bettas.
i have like 6 lfs that are all like 30-35 mins away. they ALL sell fancey guppys. None of them sell females, no female anythings. the only place i can find female guppys and bettas is walmart, go figure
Hey, coconutman! This is a site I like to go to if for nothing else just to look at the posted pics of guppies. Awesome strains listed here, and the guy is a respected breeder of fancy guppies. A bit out of my price range, but then again you get what you pay for. Not sure where you're located, most decent sized cities have one or more aquarium clubs, these are usually a good source for quality fish and sometimes members bring in fish to be auctioned, get some good deals. HTH. If nothing else, drool over the pics! :wub: click here!

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