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    Fluval U2

    I want a little confirmation. I just got it. Does it come right outta the box with filter media?
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    Found A Snail In My Tank

    Get a loach or two, they'll have a snack. These are a nuisance, they multiply very quickly.
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    Bristlenose And Caves

    I imagine the tannins would be good for 'em.
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    Noobie To Aquariums

    Check into African Cichlid, they are very coloorful and aggressive. Good for beginners not fussy about water and very hardy. A 55 is a good tank for 'em.
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    Can I get some Rams? I have a BN Pleco, Angdelfish, Platty, 3 cories, and 2 Kulie Loaches (I plan to increase the cories and Loaches.) It's 24.4 US Gal.
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    Internal Filter

    How are they working out for ya? Which one?
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    Internal Filter

    I bought this one. My tank is 24.4 so I wanted to be sure it would fit, it's rated up to 30 gallons. Hope it works well for my tank.
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    Internal Filter

    Anyone else use one? Does yours work in the fashion you thought it would? Will I see as much improvment as I'm hoping.
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    Internal Filter

    I was looking at internal filters to compliment my tank filter. It's 24 US gallons. Are they any good, could anyone recommend one? I was looking at this one.
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    My Second Fish Tank - What To Keep

    Good looking fish tank.
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    My Second Fish Tank - What To Keep

    Yes, shell dwellers are aggressive. The need a bare tank,due to the fact their from lake tanganyika (sp?) so then need sand, shells, and maybe a piece of wood. Check into Rams, gorgeous fish and they arent aggressive, they'd look good in a planted tank.
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    Fish Compatability

    J/C would a Ram or two get along with an adult angelfish?
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    Will These Fish Fit My Tank

    I just saw it written that cherry barbs were ok for a 5 gallon tank.
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    My Second Fish Tank - What To Keep

    shell dwelling african cichlids maybe some apistogramma cichlid, puffer, shrimps, guppys plattys
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    Fish For Aquastart 320

    A few guppies, endlers, shrimp some shell dwelling african cichlids, molly. I think this is about 10 us Gal.
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    Need Help Deciding

    You have the knowledge from working in pet store, I'd go brackish. A con of a brackish tank is that are (I think) no algae eaters for them so you'll have to do it manually. You can only get a limiter number of fish for it. My link
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    Moving An Angel

    In the future I'm gonna be moving my tank across my room so I need to remove everything, It's cycled and the plann to have it filled back up in a few hours. I have a healthy ADULt angelfish in there,I've read adults were really harsy, can it take the move?
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    Need Help Deciding

    How big is it? Some cichlids and brackish fish need large tanks.
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    How To Clean An Hp Tank

    All I have to do is water changes?
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    How To Clean An Hp Tank

    I'm thinking of making my tank heavily planted. Typically I clean it by sticking my siphon in the gravel to suck up the yucky stuff. In a heavily planted tank should I pull up each plant and gravel vac around it or would just vacuuming around the plant be enough? Anyone know any other methods?
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    What Tank To Buy

    I have an angelfish, BN Pleco, a frog, kulie loaches and some little red fish. You can try java moss.
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    What Tank To Buy

    I have an 24 gallon tank, its by JAD. I have had it since July of last year. I have had no problems with it. Its an all in one and I think there is a UK version. Beauitiful tank. I especially like the design. My link Really you should get the biggest tank the space and your budget allows...
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    What Was Going On

    Just curius. This clownfish was large, It was one of the biggest Ive ever seen, I could tell it was older fish. It swam to the bottom of its tank, turn its back toward me flip its tail from side to side fast it would churn the sand up like it was burning rubber and then swim off.
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    Which Fish Can You Not Part With?

    My Angelfish. Ive only had fish a few years. This is the first fish Ive had for over a year.
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    How Much Substrat

    I think gravel is 2 pounds per gallon but what is it for sand?
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    Can I Put Cherry Barbs In My Tank?

    My current stocking is in my sig.
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    E.Noses are hard to feed.
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    New Aqyuarium In My Home.

    In the new to the hobby section on these forums is a lot of info on fishless cycling and other things you should know prior to setting it up. Maybe consider female bettas.
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    Can I Add Kuhlie Loaches

    My current stock is in my sig. but it nesds a little editing currently there is just one platy. Could I add a few (3 oe 2) kuhlie loaches?
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    When Do I Change My Filter Stuff?

    I have a JAD aquarium and am using the filter it came with, very good filter BTW. It has three stage filtration mechanical (ceramic rings, chemical (bag of activated carbon) and biological. I prolly should never change the biological, but should I change the others. If so, how often?
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    Gravel Vac Not Working

    I was doing a gravel vac on my tank, stuck the tube into the gravel. On my other tanks doing this woul pick up some gravel and then it would fall back to the buttom, this time it didn't happen. Why? Could this be because I don't have as much gravel as I should have (a few pounds less) or thet...
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    New Tank Arriving On Friday

    Get rid of the coldwater fish and go tropical.
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    Peacock Goby is beauitiful.
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    Bumble Bee Gobys

    I just saw on the net that there are atleast a few fish called BBQs. I saw one species at a LFS and it was in FW. I'd like to have a BW tank.
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    Bumble Bee Gobys

    A quick question, There are a few fish sold in stores called BBGs, should both kinds be kept in brackish water?
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    New tank with no fish in it.
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    I have a twenty-four gallom tank and was just curious is there any fish as pretty and challenging as discus suitable for my tank?
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    Name A Peacefull Cichlid?

    Angelfish, apistogrammas, ram and keholes. These are new world. Kribensis are the only peaceful africans I know of.
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    Great News!

    Guppies shouldn't be kept with endlers. I think they will breed.