My Second Fish Tank - What To Keep


Fish Fanatic
Jul 10, 2008
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I have kept a nice community tank for 2 years and is 260L. I have wanted a second tank for awhile now as I want to have ago at keeping somthing else other than a community tank and want a nice tank on my desk where i can see it in my room. Well I was in my lfs the other day and saw a perfected sized tank for my desk its 64 litres and fits a charm. The only problm is now i dont know what to keep anyone got any suggestions? I have thought about ciclids but dont really know much about them.

This is the tank I brought
shell dwelling african cichlids maybe some apistogramma cichlid, puffer, shrimps, guppys plattys
I sometimes think a small second tank like that is perfect for a "species" tank. Perhaps a pair of colorful cichlids that don't get too big, all by themselves. Or perhaps a largish shoal of some tetra that strikes your fancy.. just a big stunning group of them, all by themselves. A nice piece of wood and/or stone and a good thick planting of greenery... can't go wrong.

shell dwelling african cichlids maybe some apistogramma cichlid, puffer, shrimps, guppys plattys

can you suggest any specific shell dwelling african and apistogramma cichlids that are easy to get your hands on and also what type of decor would you put with them. Are they agressive, im sorry but i really am a complete beginner with ciclids as ive only ever had a community tank.
Yes, shell dwellers are aggressive. The need a bare tank,due to the fact their from lake tanganyika (sp?) so then need sand, shells, and maybe a piece of wood.

Check into Rams, gorgeous fish and they arent aggressive, they'd look good in a planted tank.
Check out the following Apistos, all very attractive and I think some of them come in various colour morphs, would look nice with a samll shoal of Tetras, Lemons... Cardinas.. choice is endless :good:
Macmaster's Dwarf Cichlid - Apistogramma macmasteri
Agassiz's Dwarf Cichlid - Apistogramma agassizii :good:
Cockatoo Dwarf Cichlid - Apistogramma cacatuoides
Borelli's Dwarf Cichlid - Apistogramma borelli

Shell Dwellers, I'm not an expert but the following three species of shell dweller are probably the most popular but there are tons varying in size and behaviour.
Neolamprologus Multifasciatus :good:
Lamprologus Ocellatus - Gold, Orange, Blue
Lamprologus Brevis - also sunspot variety.
If you are interested thogh check out this really cool link.... :good: :good: :good:
I have done abit of research on dawf ciclids and they sound like there the best option, they look good too. However some ive been reading that some of the shell dwellers are peaceful and dont grow to large. What sort of decor would you have with the shell dwellers? Does anyone know what shell dwellers go nicely together.
Some of the Dwarf Cichlids are lovely, nice colours, fins etc.
Neolamprologus Multifasciatus ( " Multis " ) usually live peacefully in a group and if/when fry appear usually continue to live in a colony.
Decor:- Shells (usually Escargot) , can use turbos, apple snail, Tonna etc.have even seen then in half inch pvc elbow joints but shells look nicer. sand, some rockwork if you like, you can add a piece of wood but try make sure all the tannins are boiled out, if you fancy a couple of plants something touh like java fern on the wood or rock, at the moment i'm experimentig with two small twisted vallis planted in large coral gravel, fingers crossed. :good:
Ok im going to the lfs today to get the decor for my tank im so undecided on what substrate to use whats the best for dawf ciclids and looks good I was thinking maybe sand.
Ok as its going to be a planted tank I have brought a tub of tetra plant complete substrate to fertilise it how thick does it need to be I don't think I have brought enough. Also it says use really small gravel for planted tanks im guessing this is true as well since I have brought some gravel but its not exactly very fine. How much of a difference will it make to how well the plants grow.

Heres the tank done now whats everyone think? Have I put too thicker layer of gravel? I put 4cm. I have a 1 inch layer of eco-complete under that

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