Great News!


Fish Herder
May 18, 2009
Reaction score
Coventry, U.K
If I am still into fishkeeping/breeding for another 4 months my dad will buy me a 125 litre tank in my bedroom to have whatever I want in it. And I don't have to pay a penny. Also, this might not sound very big, but I'm 12 years old and started off with a 10 gallon, now I have another 10 gallon in my bro's room that I use to hold/raise my guppy fry. So, I'm already thinking, what shall I stock in a 125 litre Tank? Also, it will be a juwel 125 that is;
81cm/50cm/36cm [WxHxL]

So far;

12 Guppies [3 male, 9 female]
7 corys [albino]
need some more ideas? maybe some cichlids or clown loaches [size?]

I'm so excited YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
defo not the clown loaches....
they can get to 20 - 30 cms in length

i would put in some khuli loaches

any colourful( thats if you dont go for the black ones)

the perfect altenative just get about 4 :)

dwarf gouramiis will like a tank that size you could go for 1 male 2 females!

blue rams ?
Personally, depending upon how many guppies you are planning to house in the aquarium, I would think one of the small, schooling tetras for the mid-bottom, such as ember tetras or cardinal tetras, would look nice, and perhaps a female betta for some added interest as a "centerpiece." That's just my two-cents-worth. Congratulations on the new aquarium.
125L is 33US gallons before any substrate etc so you'd be looking at around 30" worth of adult sized fish at least until your tank is matured

you seem to like breeding fish, why not go for a whole livebearer tank with, guppys/endlers/platys/mollies if you can estimate the proper amount to keep id go for that, gd luck anyways
Guppies shouldn't be kept with endlers. I think they will breed.
Indeed they hybridise but most endlers at your LFS will already have guppy blood in them.

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