Which Fish Can You Not Part With?

My bristlenose. I've had him since I started keeping tropicals six years ago, and have kept him through five moves, even had a woman at a fish store babysit him for six months so I wouldn't have to get rid of him. He's just so cool, even if he does hide a lot and poops all over my nice white sand. :rolleyes:
Definitely my favorite female betta: she's a orchid mustard gas marble halfmoon. She has the cutest little personality, always buzzing around and loves to jump out of the water to eat her blood worms. Her name is Molly. I have many fish and tanks but she lives in a 10 gallon palace by herself right next to my bed and I spend an excessive amount of time fussing over her.
My Angelfish. Ive only had fish a few years. This is the first fish Ive had for over a year.
would have to be my oscar.. i had one before, then moved from Scotland to Wales and couldnt face putting him thru the move so rehomed him.. i really regret that... i still miss him and would never ever go thru that again

so Bo is here for keeps :)
Right now I'm having to think about my 2 Kissing Gouramis. They are lording it in my 6x2x2 right now but I need that tank for my Oscars and Eels and I thing the O's would batter them. I was going to put the Kissers in the 4ft but I need that for my snakeheads now.

My Kissers are the fish I've had from the start, one is stunted (before I got it) the other is called Sylvester because he has a deformed mouth.

Other than them mt Climbing Perch and Oscars I couldn't part with.
for me it has to be my peru gold stripe and my green stripe corys. such beautifull fish and great characters, they are also breeding for me quite regular now too so it will be hard to part with the fry but i just dont have the room to keep them all...... :(
my spotted climbing perch/ bush fish whatever you know them as, is also a great fish and ill be keeping him till the end to :nod:
for me it has to be my peru gold stripe and my green stripe corys. such beautifull fish and great characters, they are also breeding for me quite regular now too so it will be hard to part with the fry but i just dont have the room to keep them all...... :(
my spotted climbing perch/ bush fish whatever you know them as, is also a great fish and ill be keeping him till the end to :nod:
:eek: i thought you was gunna say your angel fish!
for me it has to be my peru gold stripe and my green stripe corys. such beautifull fish and great characters, they are also breeding for me quite regular now too so it will be hard to part with the fry but i just dont have the room to keep them all...... :(
my spotted climbing perch/ bush fish whatever you know them as, is also a great fish and ill be keeping him till the end to :nod:
:eek: i thought you was gunna say your angel fish!
my angelfish i cant part with because nobody wants him........ such a shame as he is a real beauty too. my breeding angels i have had to put back into the com tank as the tank is needed for a growing out tank for the cory fry! shame again but more people want the corys than angels it seems, i may be selling the pair soon too if anyone is interested......!!!!
that would have to be vinny my red spotted sev. but ive also got a little juvie firemouth im getting rather attatched too as well
My clown loaches. I have a definate soft spot for them, and am not rearranging the whole tank for them.

Spoilt clowns :D
as most people I find it very difficult to part with fish, but if i had to pick an absolute special fish I couldn't part with, it would have to be my male Melanotaenia lacustris (Turquoise Rainbowfish), he is my favorite fish overall. he is followed closely by my Melanotaenia herbertaxelrodi (Yellow Rainbowfish), simply because he grew up a little stunted so he looks like a funny fat guy and is one beautiful fish with a lot of spunk. third would be my Blue Pearlscale Smokey Angelfish, because this is one rare and very expensive, and very beautiful angelfish...that was gifted to me :blush:
I don't have a favorite. I like all of them for different reasons. The only fish that I can think of at the moment that really hurt when I lost was an angel from over a year back. I bought a large albino to put in with him. The albino stressed him out and killed him. He was beautiful.
I could not part with any of my fish. but if I had to chose one, it would be my betta. :wub:

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