New Aqyuarium In My Home.

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Jul 30, 2009
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hello,fellas. I had bought a new 50 gallon aquarium last week.....and it is empty there is nothing in it so I'm thinking on keeping these fishes in:
(2)two lace guurami
(3)a shoal of Neon tetra
(4)few corydoras catfish
(5)some plants

These are the fishes that are in my mind......or is there a problem with keeping all these fishes together?should I add something?
bettas do not fair well in large aquariums from what I hear. Other then that you can have pretty large groups of Neons and Cory but beware that Neons are very sensitive and should only be added to a atnk thats been running for a few months (half year recommended). That is also a good size for some Ciclids such as Rams, Angelfish (provided its 18+ in high), Kribs, Plecos (Love my BN), Loach. There are alot of options, just make sure to research each fish and there needs. needs of fish become wants of owner (personal opinion anyways).
congrats on your new tank :)

you should first read up on fishless cycling ( takes about 4 wks) in that time you can fully research the fish you fancy for compatibilty and suitability for your tank, ive having a few probs with pages loading here but im sure someone will be kind enuff to provide u a link to fishless cycling and beginners resource center :)
I wouldn't under any circumstances add a betta into a 50gal. Especially with gouramis and other fish that may nip.

However the rest of the stock sounds great!
2 x Lace Gourami (more often known as 'Pearl Gourami')
10 x Neon Tetra? (Just wondered if you'd also considered cardinal tetra instead?)
8 x Corydoras (It'd be better if you stick to only 1 species as they do shoal better in an all species group but it's you decision :))

^^ Just some ideas on stocking numbers incase you weren't sure.
But it sounds nice!

Are you fishless cycling?
I bet sheila or nelly come along and say channa or oscars LOL. Is it uk or u.s gallons because there is a big difference in holding
I wouldn't under any circumstances add a betta into a 50gal. Especially with gouramis and other fish that may nip.

However the rest of the stock sounds great!
2 x Lace Gourami (more often known as 'Pearl Gourami')
10 x Neon Tetra? (Just wondered if you'd also considered cardinal tetra instead?)
8 x Corydoras (It'd be better if you stick to only 1 species as they do shoal better in an all species group but it's you decision :))

^^ Just some ideas on stocking numbers incase you weren't sure.
But it sounds nice!

Are you fishless cycling?

as I said..........I didn't aded any fishes to the tank yet :nod: oh, and thank's for the stocking numbers I realy were not sure of how many fishes I should add ????

its 1 inch of fish to 1 gallon, withing reason though lol.

I would put neons with a betta due to fin nippage, same with gouramis and a betta.

You could go for a nice community tank ;)

how about:

10 neons
2 Gourami
3-4 dwarf chain loaches?
5-8 corydora

im a big fan of loaches :wub:
Yea bettas really are better in a tank of their own (here i am defending my preciouse bettas again lol, i need a life)

I agree you could have a lovely community tank tough, really good sized aquarium, make sure you fishless cycle it and as far as stocking goes why don't you look up some fish you like then post them here and people can tell you what would be good for your tank and what would fit.

Research is your best resourse. :good:
Thank you all for the help.......there is one little problem :blush: I did some research on all the fishes that you guys helped me with and I find out that the neon tetras does not do well with bright light and they need some shade,but how can I do it?First I thoght about getting some water lillies or some other floating plants but I could not find them anywhere not even in pet stores and garden shops.Is there anything that I can use to create some shade for the little guys?
Mine have always been fine with full lighting. But I have lots of densely planted areas. So they still feel safe no matter how bright it is.
Plenty of plants, big bit of bogwood, stonewalls, caves, all sorts really. Anything they can hide under/behind!
Thank you all.That is everything I need to make a wonderfull aquarium.....And I will make sure to post some pictures of my tank.THANK YOU ALL AGAIN!!
Your betta won't have any fins in no time. Neons are know for their nippiness. And I don't like the idea of bettas in huge aquariums either. Seems like they wouldn't know what ot do with all of the space.
In the new to the hobby section on these forums is a lot of info on fishless cycling and other things you should know prior to setting it up.

Maybe consider female bettas.

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