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  1. J

    Treating A Betta For Dropsy: I Have To Try!

    Today, Wendy's scales look worse and she's acting pretty sick. Sometimes she seems okay and swims around, but most of the time she either floats kind of diagonally, or even vertically with her face at the bottom of the tank. It looks like things are getting pretty bad and I want to be prepared...
  2. J

    Starting A Dropsy Treatment

    Today, Wendy's scales look worse and she's acting pretty sick. Sometimes she seems okay and swims around, but most of the time she either floats kind of diagonally, or even vertically with her face at the bottom of the tank. It looks like things are getting pretty bad and I want to be prepared...
  3. J

    Treating A Betta For Dropsy: I Have To Try!

    Yes, she's still bloated, but it hasn't gotten worse. She doesn't look as bad as some pictures i've seen on the internet...
  4. J

    Starting A Dropsy Treatment

    OK, I'm on my 4th day of treatment; yesterday i did a 100% water change, added .5 tsp of epsom salt, and 2 tsp of each medicine. Today I added another 1 tsp of each and will do another 100% water change tomorrow. Her condition seems the same, but she seems kind of - well, out of it. Less...
  5. J

    Treating A Betta For Dropsy: I Have To Try!

    OK, I'm on my 4th day of treatment; yesterday i did a 100% water change, added .5 tsp of epsom salt, and 2 tsp of each medicine. Today I added another 1 tsp of each and will do another 100% water change tomorrow. Her condition seems the same, but she seems kind of - well, out of it. Less...
  6. J

    Treating A Betta For Dropsy: I Have To Try!

    Thank you all. As i said, i am currently treating with maracyn I and II, but i may be able to get some Kanacyn from the internet. If i can, should i switch to this? how would i go about doing this?
  7. J

    Starting A Dropsy Treatment

    She is in a 2.5 gallon unfiltered and heated to 80 F. I've put a black sweatshirt around the tank so the light doesn't bother her; she seems to prefer. I did a 100% water change yesterday (as soon as i noticed she had dropsy) and plan on doing another one tomorrow. The medication I'm using is...
  8. J

    Treating A Betta For Dropsy: I Have To Try!

    Thanks - can you tell me, is it safe to use both Maracyn and Maracyn II at the same time? I am worried about overmedicating.
  9. J

    Treating A Betta For Dropsy: I Have To Try!

    My 2.5 year old female betta has been swollen for a few days and this morning I noticed slight pineconing. I went to the local Petsmart to pick up as much stuff as i could. I know that dropsy is a symptom, not a disease, so i got the widest spectrum of treatments i could find. I now have: -...
  10. J

    Starting A Dropsy Treatment

    So, I went to the local Petsmart to pick up as much stuff as i could. I know that dropsy is a symptom, not a disease, so i got the widest spectrum of treatments i could find. I now have: - Maracyn - Maracyn II - Epsom salt - Aquarium salt - Water test strips - And a new silk plant as an...
  11. J

    Constipated? Or Am I Seeing Things?

    Thank you very much, jollysue. The internet seems to say epsom salt and that a combination of maracyn and maracyn II sometimes works. it's still in the early stages, i think, and she's still swimming around totally normally so i have to give it a shot. i'm off to the store for meds. wish me...
  12. J

    Constipated? Or Am I Seeing Things?

    Okay, I'm not sure about this, but I just looked at her from above and it looks like she's slightly pineconed... Does this definitely mean that she has dropsy? and if so, is there ANYTHING i can do? She is my first and only fish and i will do anything to save her...
  13. J

    Constipated? Or Am I Seeing Things?

    Thanks for the advice, everyone. To answer your questions, the water was fresh when those pictures were taken, and it was treated and the same temperature as always. I don't think the spots on her body are anything to worry about - they're just shiny dots she's had forever. At the time I took...
  14. J

    Constipated? Or Am I Seeing Things?

    I'm trying to feed her the pea, but she's not having it, even though she hasn't eaten in days! Maybe i'll mash a little bloodworm on it for taste.
  15. J

    Constipated? Or Am I Seeing Things?

    Wow, could it really be eggs? She hasn't been around a male in over 2 years, I didn't know that the ladies could get eggy without a little flirting. And don't worry, Kyrielle, to Wendy's face it's nothing but compliments.
  16. J

    Constipated? Or Am I Seeing Things?

    So, I fasted my fish for about two days, especially after she seemed kinda swollen. Now, her behavior (interest in food, swimming, curiosity) seems back to normal, and there was a great big poop in the corner of her tank! The problem is, even after pooping, she still looks swollen to me. What...
  17. J

    New Female Betta, No Safe Home For Her!

    Also, you had asked about betta food, kcalbat - someone answered your question about hikari betta bio gold pellets (they are good and bettas love 'em) but you asked about some other things you have as well. Daphnia and bloodworm are also great betta treats - just not too much bloodworm or...
  18. J

    Bettas And Fighting

    I keep my betta in a 2.5 gallon tank, nicely decorated (and heated, of course) but with no filter or gravel. I alternate between 50 and 100% water changes every week and because there's no gravel, i can just suck out poops/uneaten food with a turkey baster! I highly recommend this method for a...
  19. J

    Any Advice, Learned Ones?

    Thanks very much for the advice. I don't *think* she's constipated, because I actually just fasted her for 1 day a few days ago (someone on the board - it might have been you, jollysue - advised that a fast day a week was a good plan and it sounded like good advice to me), and also because she...
  20. J

    My New Baby!

    Beautiful bettas and apt names.
  21. J

    Any Advice, Learned Ones?

    About a day ago my betta became much less active than usual, even to the point of not being interested in food (she ate one Hikari pellet earlier today, but when i dropped another one right in front of her face, she didn't even care). Usually, like most bettas, she is a shameless beggar about...
  22. J

    Good Picture Of My Betta

    Nice colors. who's in there with him?
  23. J

    Poorly Betta

    My friend's formerly healthy, young male betta is exhibiting some symptoms and we're not sure exactly what's wrong with him. He ballooned up a little towards his front end and this ballooning is translucent. He seems to be having difficulty swimming, though he is not lying on his side as in...
  24. J

    Whatever Next ?

    Haha, yeah, my Wendy'll jump for hikari pellets too - she smacks right into my fingers. I thought this was pretty cool and that i could train her to eat of my hand like this, but no luck. She's strong enough to jump clean out of the water and hit my hand, but not smart enough to aim right, i...
  25. J


    hey, for us less experienced types on the forum, could someone please explain exactly what a Macrostoma is? they certainly look cool...
  26. J

    Cycling In A Small Tank

    Hey all, How can i make sure i'm properly cycling a small (2.5 gal) tank without spending big bucks? Are there cheap reusable water test kits? Are there special dangers in cycling a little tank like that? Thanks!
  27. J

    Snails That Are Okay With A Betta

    I am no snail expert, but I believe all types are hermaphroditic. The only way to keep them from reproducing for sure is to only have one.
  28. J

    Question About Unsold Bettas At Pet Stores.

    Holy crap, the video with that fish playing soccer is effin amazing (excuse my language).
  29. J

    Feeding Enough?

    Thanks, Liz. She seems pretty active and happy, so I guess I'll go back to worrying about overfeeding like everyone else! :P
  30. J

    Bettas And Vitamin C

    Is it true that bettas need sunlight, or else will become deficient in vitamin c? There isn't a lot of natural light where I live (Ohio, USA) in the winter... is there another way to deal with this?
  31. J

    Feeding Enough?

    I know bettas aren't supposed to eat too much; I've been giving my little female 3 Hikari pellets a day (and a couple times a week substituting one of those pellets with a few freeze-dried bloodworms). I recently bumped her up to 4 pellets a day, because she goes CRAZY at feeding time. If I...
  32. J

    Snails And Bettas?

    Can anyone tell me: is a snail a suitable companion for my betta? She's alone in a 2.5 gallon. what kind of snail should i look for, and what special needs would it have? (how the hell do you care for a snail anyway?) Thanks so much.
  33. J

    Bad Euthanasia Experience

    I think it's kind of tough to argue - regardless of whether you're talking about a warm or cold-blooded animal - that freezing to death is a humane and easy way for any creature to be euthanized. As many have already said on this post, the "best" death (it does seem a cruel topic) is a quick...
  34. J

    Bored Bettas

    Ha, the ping pong balls! I read about this somewhere and (unfortunately?) mentioned it to my mom over the phone while she was fish-sitting. (The idea is ostensibly that bettas like to push them around with their heads.) Naturally, my mom became enamored of Wendy and decided that she NEEDED...
  35. J

    Old Boys

    I have a question about aging bettas. Does anyone have any advice on how to care for their special needs when they're getting up there but aren't ready to go yet? For example, there's special old-timer cat and dog food - i know that's not exactly the same, but is there a special diet that's...
  36. J

    Bored Bettas

    I worry about my betta getting bored while I'm out. I've tried giving her ping pong balls to play around with but she doesn't care about them at all! What do you all think? Can our little friends make their own amusement? Brains too small for boredom?
  37. J

    A Tribute To Our First Ever Bettas!

    The little lady to the left is my first and only betta. I've had her for 2.5 years, but she must be older... I'm pretty sure she was full grown when I got her.
  38. J

    My Aquabid Auctions

    They are all lovely.
  39. J

    Betta Colours

    Hey! My Wendy's kinda pink! Sorry I can't post them as images here (dynamic pages aren't allowed in image tags), and they're not great pics, i know. I got her at petsmart two...
  40. J

    Water Changes

    I do take her out when I do partial water changes (obviously I take her out for whole water changes :) ), because she totally flips out when there is any movement in the tank. She seems pretty calm in her little cup while I take care of business, but goes kind of nuts when she gets back into...