A Tribute To Our First Ever Bettas!

My first betta ever was Mortimer. I resuced him from my (now) ex boyfriend who was going to make him fight with the betta his brother got at their cousins wedding. Now, I am talking about two guys in their 20s being that immature. He was also my first fish!

the poor boy grew up in a glass bowl for the first year or so of his life. He didn't get sick when he was in that bowl, and he loved it. I remember how worried i was when he built his first bubblenest. i thought he was sick lol. He used to sleep under his shell. It was very cute, every night he would go under the shell, i would turn the light on, and he would swim out. then turn off the light for 30 seconds, turn it back on, and he would be back under it. He was just over 4 years old when he died. He is my miracle fish, as he got velvet, and i thought he was going to die, he was so badly sick, he was in my closet in the dark. but then he got better. :D :D :wub:

here he is under his shell:

I dont remember my first betta :blush: I did used to have 2 ..years and years ago... first a blue one and then I rescued one and had to split the first ones tank to house them. I know I had them a long time and they were in a big tank with a heater and a filter and the one with the filter used to play with the bubbles. I was so upset when they died within a week of each other. I didnt have any more bettas but had a lovely figure of 8 puffer.
I now have just one or 2 bettas. ;) or slightly more than that :hyper:
My first Betta, Aragorn, was a beautiful red and blue colour. Sadly, I only had him a few weeks and he died from an infection. I have 3 more fighters now and they are all special to me. I do tend to find myself talking to them a lot :crazy: and my other half thinks I'm crazy. Definitely my favourite fish and I wouldn't be without them.
My first betta was a white and pink VT named Simon. He was awesome, but he was my first ever fish, and had him in one of those little 1/2 things that you get with the betta. :blush: I feel so bad when I think of it, but I have come a long way, and learned many lessons. He taught me more than any other fish I've had. RIP buddy.
My first Betta was a reg run of the mill pet store fish......... he lived in a Gallon Jar with 2 ADF's and eventually had to be moved to a five gallon tank
He grew to over 6 inches long and bred at 3 years old Died at 5 RIP
My first betta was this little guy. :D his name was originally something poetic, but my grammie found out that bettas fight each other and started calling him "Killer" lol! So Killer he became. He was a good fish and put up with many, many of my learning mistakes. Despite all of this, he was always quite healthy and responsive and lived for about three years.


(Yeah, I know those tanks are horrible. Chalk it up to my newb-ness.)
Great sig fishkiller :)

My first betta was Giles, I intorduced him here a few weeks ago, sadly he died of an infection in the space of a weekend.


He may only have been with me a short time, but his personality sure got me hooked on Bettas :) Already have plans for a second betta tank, lol. :good:
No picture I'm afriad, but the first betta my family ever had was named Dexter Holland. He was a red VT that my aunt sent over in one of those betta-in-a-vase things. I'm afriad I was very young at the time, and my parents very ignorant, so needless to say, Dexter was short lived. :X I didn't think much of it at the time, being raised by a family who thought a few months was "really good" for a goldfish's lifespan. However, up at college, I really had my first betta. Dickey Barett was a gorgeous blue and pink marble VT. I don't think I have any recent pics of him since it was taken with my oooold camera that just kinda... sucked. But he was a fantastic fish who really got me thinking about betta welfare. He died at only 2 years old, unfortunately... but in an awesome 10g tank with tons of plants and places to hide, so I'd like to think he died happy.
Well, I had to dig through some oooold photobucket accounts, but here he is:



And his tank mate:
The little lady to the left is my first and only betta. I've had her for 2.5 years, but she must be older... I'm pretty sure she was full grown when I got her.
My first betta was actually my first fish.
I don't really remember his colors, his name was Mr. Betta and we got him at Wal-Mart. He was in those plant-vase-bowl things. I had no clue how to care for a betta, and those stupid instructions said that he could live on tap water- no water conditioners or anything! He dided the next day. Before buying my second betta, Kenni, I did lots of research and luckily he's still with me :)

My first is Asbo - I still have him. He was a raggedy looking adult when I bought him and I've had hime pretty much a year now (I'm never sure on dates etc!).


I think he's a fine looking fellow now!

Will be getting Betta number 2 in the next couple of months or so!!


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