Any Advice, Learned Ones?


New Member
Aug 9, 2006
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About a day ago my betta became much less active than usual, even to the point of not being interested in food (she ate one Hikari pellet earlier today, but when i dropped another one right in front of her face, she didn't even care). Usually, like most bettas, she is a shameless beggar about food. Now, she mostly just floats or sits utterly motionless in different parts of her tank, and shows no other symptoms. Water temp is her normal 79 F. I don't have any water stats but she's on her usual water changing schedule, which has never seemed to bother her before. Can anyone tell me what might be wrong/what to do? Thanks so much.
How old is she? She could be bored. You are doing all you can. Perhaps someone with more knowledge will help. fingers crossed lol
I would probably start by checking for constipation or depression, if there are no other symptoms or irregularities.

Watch for poop. Fast at least 24 hours. If she is not fasted regularly and is fed heavily, a longer fast may be needed. Watch for poo. Follow with a piece of pea or an offering of daphnia. If that is not attacked immediately, fast some more and remove the offering. Do not give in and feed her some heavy protein food like blood worms.

Depression and constipation are both Betta killers.

Has anything in her tank or environment been moved or changed? Especially has any other fish been moved near or away?

I am not familiar with boredom causing lack of appetite, but depression will.
Thanks very much for the advice. I don't *think* she's constipated, because I actually just fasted her for 1 day a few days ago (someone on the board - it might have been you, jollysue - advised that a fast day a week was a good plan and it sounded like good advice to me), and also because she seems to be a good pooper.

I didn't know that depression could be so dangerous! Nothing has changed in or around her tank, but I've been busier lately and haven't had as much time to "hang out" as usual... maybe that's getting her down? Could it be the wintry weather? Not as much light has been coming into the room. perhaps a lamp would make her happier?

As for your question, liz, she's at least 2.5 years old, because that's as long as I've had her... but she's usually a spunky old lady. anyway, to both of you, thanks much for responding.
Try some frozen foods and veg on her she could be bored of her food.
Yes then give her some good treats as Wilder said. I read if they don't get enough light they can get vit D deficiency. Also cold drafts could do. Maybe a combination of several things.

Old lady's need a bit of comfort and a couple of hugs.

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