Bored Bettas


New Member
Aug 9, 2006
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I worry about my betta getting bored while I'm out. I've tried giving her ping pong balls to play around with but she doesn't care about them at all! What do you all think? Can our little friends make their own amusement? Brains too small for boredom?
Bettas, I find, are very very capable of getting bored. I bored betta will tend to sulk, lay on the bottom, and in some cases they'll begin to eat their own tails. Try giving your betta some plants to swim around, or some kind of hidey hold for it to swim in and out of, you can also show it a mirror and let it flare for a couple minutes once or twice a day :good:
My guys like to attack their thermometers, the ones that have wieghted bottoms. I keep their tanks beside each other and they spend alot of time investigating each other and flaring. Then they take a break, rest and play again later. They also like to sit on their plants or hide in them. I have quarter size flat stones at the bottom and one of them loves to bury his head in them and pretend he is invisible. At first he scared me and I thought he was stuck or hurt. When I would check on him he would jump up and dart around like crazy, as if to be yelling, ha ha I fooled you!!!! He loves to play this game so his name is Rover cause he is like the dog who plays dead. When they see me coming both get very excited and come to the side to say hello. When I got them they barely knew how to swim and layed on the bottom, but with lots of good food, water and love they are happy, healthy and very very active. They are just like kids, and endless source of energy................
I had one who got depressed when I moved the sorority tank away from him. I had to move him to be where he and the girls could see one another again. HAHA
:p I had 2 from Jo...and they had to be able to see each other or they sulked. When the one I actually ordered died -_- the other one was sad so I put him next to my feisty Rolf and he was scared :S but he is now next to Old Red. They are like a couple of old men in a nursing home sit and watch each other and flare a little but not much. :lol:
Tamara...they look sad, sit doing nothing, dont wiggle their butts at you and yawn a lot (sorry that just popped in my head) I am now going to go and talk to all my boys to make sure they are not bored!
Alright! thanks, i'll make when i get my betta that he doesn't get bored! for jfeld...i didn't know they liked..pingpong balls??
Ha, the ping pong balls! I read about this somewhere and (unfortunately?) mentioned it to my mom over the phone while she was fish-sitting. (The idea is ostensibly that bettas like to push them around with their heads.) Naturally, my mom became enamored of Wendy and decided that she NEEDED ping pong balls - so she went out and bought a whole pack. The balls don't scare her or anything, she just ignores them completely. My mom swears that I'm just not trying hard enough...
i added a shiny glass marble to each of my boys tanks. (they have natural planted tanks otherwise) two of them seem to have forgotton about it, but the 3rd is in a plastic hospital tank at the moment thats barebottomed, so he seems to enjoy attacking it and pushing it around the tank. hehehe

one of the other boys has 3 new otos to bully (they're faster than him and have hidey holes too small for him) and the other seems to amuse himself, he was a tailbiter, but since going to that tank has not chomped so must be feeling entertained!

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