Constipated? Or Am I Seeing Things?


New Member
Aug 9, 2006
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So, I fasted my fish for about two days, especially after she seemed kinda swollen.
Now, her behavior (interest in food, swimming, curiosity) seems back to normal, and there was a great big poop in the corner of her tank!

The problem is, even after pooping, she still looks swollen to me. What do you guys think? And should I fast her more or is that a bad idea? I think I might feed her a bit of pea tonight to be safe...
Sorry the pictures aren't more helpful, she HATES the flash of my camera.,590,442,590,442,590,442

Sorry lil Wendy!
Er...she could be full of eggs :p.

On that note, be sure not to call her fat to her face. You know we ladies are tempermental about our figures. ;) J/k
Wow, could it really be eggs? She hasn't been around a male in over 2 years, I didn't know that the ladies could get eggy without a little flirting.

And don't worry, Kyrielle, to Wendy's face it's nothing but compliments.
I'm trying to feed her the pea, but she's not having it, even though she hasn't eaten in days! Maybe i'll mash a little bloodworm on it for taste.
No bloodworms there bad when a fish is bloated.
Have you tryed the salt bath.
mine are eggy and havent seen a male yet. I would try the salt bath though if she isnt eating.
Well you know we ladies are said to come with eggs. :)

Are her fins clamped?
Too me it looks like (in the first picture) that her fins are really clamped. And I'm not sure if it's her coloring, but.....,590,442

This picture if you look at some of her scales, they don't look so good (the gold spots) Her mouth doens't look quite right in this picture....,590,442

My thought is, there might be something in the water she doesn't like? When's the last time the water was changed? Was anything different about that time and the last time?

I me it looks like something else is going on here beyond just the constipated issue....and the clamped fins are a dead give away that something isn't right....

I hope this helps!! Good Luck!!! :good:
Yes, Ravenwing, that is my thought too. I would start doing frequent water changes and keep her pristine if she has clamped fins. Clean everything good with clorine, salt and hot water. Add some aquarium salt to her tank. Make sure you take a close stock of her condition. Note anything that looks off. Let us know what you see. Water quality is always the best place to start.

Well I don't know enough about caring for Betta troubles.
Thanks for the advice, everyone. To answer your questions, the water was fresh when those pictures were taken, and it was treated and the same temperature as always. I don't think the spots on her body are anything to worry about - they're just shiny dots she's had forever. At the time I took those pictures she was pretty clamped a lot of the time, but in the past day or so she's been much more spread out. She's still willing to eat everything else, i just can't get her to understand that the pea is food.
Do freeze-dried daphnia help with constipation? I just rush ordered some hikari brand from amazon.
Yes to the daphnia! It is the other wonder food that a seasoned hobbiest will recommend. I used to get the jared stuff. I can't find the freshwater jars anymore.

I'm glad she's not still clamped. :good: and is feeling better. I did qualify my panic with the "if she is clamped." :shifty:

I haven't found that Betta are always delighted with freeze dried daphnia either though.
Okay, I'm not sure about this, but I just looked at her from above and it looks like she's slightly pineconed... Does this definitely mean that she has dropsy? and if so, is there ANYTHING i can do? She is my first and only fish and i will do anything to save her...
I was at a complete loss with dropsy--totally unsuccessful.

The most often thing I hear is epsom salt baths to draw the water out.

I would post here and in the emergency forum. Look for helpfrom RandomWiktor and Wilder who I believe have a few times treated dropsy successfully.

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