
hey, for us less experienced types on the forum, could someone please explain exactly what a Macrostoma is? they certainly look cool...
they're another type of Betta... If I'm thinking right, a wild type? umm, other than that, I couldn't really rell you. -waits avidly for more info-
Yep, a wild type :nod:
They are Betta macrostoma as opposed to Betta splendens
they're another type of Betta... If I'm thinking right, a wild type? umm, other than that, I couldn't really rell you. -waits avidly for more info-

there are about 60 species of Betta ;)
They are also unusual (by 'ordinary' betta standards) because they are mouthbrooders - so the eggs/fry are held in the male's mouth). They also get quite big - about 5".
His plan is to undercut everyone else on Aquabid :p
By selling them through the store, I get store credit, which is fine by me since that's where the money will be going anyway. I can always save a pair or two to sell myself, as well :shifty:
Good things for good people! It's nice to see the scales balancing right and just at the holidays, too!

It's a great project for you. Here's hoping you make money and get some awards! You have earned them.
His plan is to undercut everyone else on Aquabid :p
By selling them through the store, I get store credit, which is fine by me since that's where the money will be going anyway. I can always save a pair or two to sell myself, as well :shifty:

heh, i figured that much :p i guess what i was really interested in was learning what size would be sexable/sellable and to what degree was he going to undercut aquabid? also, what's the breeding life of these beauties, i.e. how many times do you think you could breed them?
I've got no idea about their breeding habits to be honest with you, I just know they're mouthbrooders and hold the eggs for around 2 weeks. We'll have to wait and see at what size they are sexable, it'll be like the albimarginata, I'll have to wait for the males to colour up differently I imagine. I'm hoping they breed like the albis.... all the time! :lol:
I've got no idea about their breeding habits to be honest with you, I just know they're mouthbrooders and hold the eggs for around 2 weeks. We'll have to wait and see at what size they are sexable, it'll be like the albimarginata, I'll have to wait for the males to colour up differently I imagine. I'm hoping they breed like the albis.... all the time! :lol:

Hey Synirr! You are soo lucky! Funny I don't make it in here very often anymore, but my hubby just bought a 90 gal and I was discussing with him breeding wildtypes, and that is why we were here doing some searches, admittedly, wiht your name to read up on it from all your experiences!

Soo.. how are things going with the macros? I am very curious to hear, these are the type we are also looking for, want to sell some??????????????:))

Otherwise I am breeding alot of ct's mainly sime interesting marbles and yellows/oranges....going to do some more blue hm spawns soon too:)
Everything I have read/heard about macrostoma says they don't breed past the second generation, and it's very, very hard to get the males to spit. I've heard most have to strip them and it's very hard on the males. For these reasons I have always wondered why they're such a hot item on Aquabid. But they're stunningly beautiful and by far my favorite mouthbrooders (appearance wise, I've never owned any!) so I can see why people want to try them.

Good luck, Synirr!!

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