Search results

  1. M

    Sorry To Be Lazy.

    Hey all, I haven't been around on here in a couple of years. Was looking to get myself a nice new betta, as sadly my last one died. But it seems the place I used to use to get my bettas from has closed down. So..... anybody know of any good websites/people i can get bettas from in the UK...
  2. M

    Bettas, In The Uk (midlands Area)

    Wow, thanks a lot everybody. Just what I was after a few personal recomendations are always welcome.
  3. M

    Mouthbrooding Species- Where To Buy?

    I dont know where your location is but jobysbettas (wolverhampton area) has some breeding now, ready for pickup next month i think. Contact her, I do believe she can post them out to you also. I have had bettas from her before and she comes highly recomended from me. :good:
  4. M

    Bettas, In The Uk (midlands Area)

    I am looking to get myself a nice new male. a CT preferably. I dont see any nice ones in any local shops. I used to use Jobys Bettas. But she has none. Is there any breeders near me worth looking at? Or people who would (gulp) post to me? Thanks in advance for any advice .
  5. M

    Leaking Filter

    Thanks for the help guys will get at it tomorrow. (There is an emergancy filter running in the mean time)
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    What Would You Do?

    Hey all, thanks for reading. Just trying to get some ideas on what I should do with my 145ltr tank in my bed room. Once my filter is sorted here (links to hardware). Have had planted tank with glass cat fish, neons and panda corries in for about 18 months now. But now most are gone and...
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    Leaking Filter

    I have the FLuval 205 running in my tank, and have noticed a small but persistant leak from the rim of it. Where the top goes on it leaks. I know you get a silicone ring that goes there, is this maybe worn? (Filter is nearly 18 months old) Do you know where I can buy these from online? Thanks in...
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    New To The Salty Side Of Life.

    Thanks everyone, but i dont think i can go much bigger than 100cm. Plus i am a bit unsure as to what my second floor bedroom floor could handle over such a small area.
  9. M

    New To The Salty Side Of Life.

    Hey all. Have been looking into doing a marine tank for a few weeks now, doing a lot of reading a whatnot. But i have a few questions. First and foremost would this here tank be ok for keeping marines in? What i plan on doing is just going FOWLR for a while until i get the hang of things then...
  10. M

    Compatability Of Crayfish.

    Hey all, my brother has got a colbolt blue crayfish (lobster) which currently lives in the depths of a chiclid tank. (Before anyone starts it seems happy enough, lived there for many months now) I have seen what was labeled a red clawed crayfish, it looked very similar in the body with very...
  11. M

    Rubbing And Flicking

    Ok thanks to you both. I will pick something up from lfs tomorrow. I have no idea how to sex them, but all my fish are males or females mostly just depending on what they act like or the first name in my head! :lol:
  12. M

    Rubbing And Flicking

    Hey all, my red tailed black shark who is in a tank with no new fish in has started to rub and flick himself against anything he can. There is no signs on the outside of his body and other than the flicking he looks in perfect health. No other fish is showing signs of anything. To me it seems an...
  13. M

    Some Ideas For Stocking.

    Thanks for the coments guys/girls. I like the look of panda corrys. Had some but they all seemed to get sick. Have posted on the oddballs for advice on the killis because some of them just look amazing. This is the hardest thing about fish, deciding what fish to have. Well it is a nice problem...
  14. M

    Some Ideas For Stocking.

    Hey all, currnently have a 140L tank... with 6 glass catfish, 1 male betta, 1 polka-dot catfish (synodontis angelicus) and 3 platys. I was thinking of getting three killifish. Some panda corrys. maybe some discus. Not really sure. Anybody can give me any real sugestions to go in my tank. This...
  15. M

    Am I Over Stocked

    Not just overstocked but you must have a few unhappy fish in there. Your glass catfish, just one :no: six is the minimum for these. They are very fickle fish and fimd security in mumbers. I do agree with diademhill though, coloured widows again :no: , this shop is not putting welfare of the...
  16. M

    Shocked In Petsathome

    Its always the same at these shops. Great prices for everything else you need though! But i do remember a trip into my local P@H and they had two male bettas in the same tank, one looking VERY unhealthy. :no:
  17. M

    Which Killifish Is Ok For My Comunity?

    Ha ha, a wonderful reply, thank you very much BigC. It has come to my knowledge reading previous posts from you on this forum that you are definately the man to ask on killifish issues.
  18. M

    My Ct From My Ct Collection

    wow :drool: stunning boys you have there!
  19. M


    I am like most on here i think. I feel that an aquarium should be a centre peice even before it has fish. I like my tank because even if you cannot see fish there is always something happening. Water rippling, plant movement etc...
  20. M

    Need A Bit Of Advice On My Mts

    Hey all, was just looking around my room this morning and have decided to get a shelf up with three or four small tanks for either bettas or fry tanks. Is it possible to get one filter to do all the tanks, what about heaters? Cheers, Mike
  21. M

    Bad Smell, High Nitrate, Slime,

    Ok tank is 40"X16" surface and 14" water depth. I have 6 glass/ghost catfish. 3 female platys, (all the men died!) 1 male betta and 1 Polka-dot Catfish (syno angelicus). Cheers
  22. M

    Which Killifish Is Ok For My Comunity?

    Hey all, just looking on trimar and see they have a good selection on killifish on there. Are any of these beautiful fish unsuited to my very piecefull community tank? I am very fond of the APHYOSEMION AUSTRALE! Thanks in advance, Mike Edit - Ok done quite a bit of reading since i wrote this...
  23. M

    Bad Smell, High Nitrate, Slime,

    Hey all, i come at you with a problem today. Woke up and my bedroom stank. Looked in my tank and there was weird clear slime with little white blobs in it all over the glass. I removed this and did my water tests, everything was fine execpt Nitrate which was around the 80mg/l range. What could...
  24. M

    Glass Catfish Sick?

    Yeah thats really exectly what i figured just needed a second opinion. Was actually really happy to get all six alive from the bag when i got home. Thanks Wolf.
  25. M

    Glass Catfish Sick?

    Hey guys got some new glass cats yesterday, they all were fine last night and too this morning. However just got back from work and one is swimming on his own and is looking really clowdy. Is this a sign of helth problems or just a little stressed do you think?
  26. M

    Would You Say I Am Ready To Drop?

    She has developed that spine curve during this pregnancy. Its the first time that i have noticed any fish ready to give birth so i am not really sure what to expect from her. Thanks anyways
  27. M

    Would You Say I Am Ready To Drop?

    Hey al wanting to put my platty into a breading trap so as i can keep track of the babies. What are your thoughts on that? And secondly i have no idea when the big day is coming, perhaps you can help. Here is a few pics of her, what signs should i be looking for? Edit - Glass cats looking...
  28. M

    Possable Id On This Fish.

    Hey all, have asked this beford but noone ever has been able to say what this fish is. Really difficult to get any pics, but if you can help i would be very greatful.
  29. M

    What The ~@%*, Frog Spwan

    I dont know seems far too much to be snails, here is the best pic i could get of it for ya.
  30. M

    My Tanks

    Yeah thats little "Bobo" my betta, him, 4 platys two panda corries. Thats my guys! I know its too small an amount of corries but i have had a few deaths from that tank so looking at future stocking options just now. Going to get more love the way they spit the sand from thier gills.
  31. M

    My Tanks

    Na hate to say it but he posted it in the Wanted/Sale/Swap part of here then i went to ebay and bid on it that way. So a bit of both really. Thanks for the comments guys,
  32. M

    My Tanks

    To me! besticanthinkof on ebay! :D
  33. M

    My Tanks

    Here is my tank, just trying to get to grips with the camera so forgive me the bad pics. Any comment suggestions let me hear them. It is a three and a half foot 140L tank, set up for about two weeks. Excuse the fry box in the top left! Edit: - Pics too big.
  34. M

    What The ~@%*, Frog Spwan

    Hey all, just back this afternoon looking into my quarinteen tank and they is what looks to be frog spawn covering half the bottom of the tank. All in this tank is these guys any ideas what this could be? Where it has come from? Will try to up some pics in a bit. Could i have babies on my...
  35. M

    Platty Babies.

    Ok maybe me not catching them was a bit defeatist of me. I dont think she has stopped dropping yet though, is it normal to have some over two or more days? We are up to about six now. You think it would best to remove them? There seems no real threat from anyone else in the tank, except my...
  36. M

    What Would You Do Next?

    What disease killed your fish? How long did you have them? I think you would find marines a bit taxing at the moment but why not try a Tanganyikan tank as in Telford your tapwater is ideal for these hard water fish? It was velvet i think, 11 fish in the last 4 days! All ended up with a...
  37. M

    What Would You Do Next?

    Hey all, due to my rather unsuccesful first attempt at a comunity tank (disease killed them all) i am at a loss as to what to do with my empty 45usg tank. Should i try again for a comunity? Rescue this guy? Or screw tropical and switch marine? Any ideas cos right now i am feeling a little...
  38. M

    Platty Babies.

    Hey, this morning against all odds in face of the current death (three more last night too!) i found a tiny little chap being hunted down by my betta, turns out it was a baby platty! :D What can should i be feeding this little guy? There is no way i can catch him to get out of the tank, so...
  39. M

    Is Marine Feasable For Me?

    I was told that living rock can just go into the filter canister. Is this not the case? Also i know that i have used copper meds, how much of a problem will this cause for me? Thanks again
  40. M

    Is Marine Feasable For Me?

    Hey all, looking into the possability of a marine tank, but to be honest seem a bit confused by all the different things that i have never come across in FW tanks. I could use a 36x16x16 tank for this, which i guesstimate to be around 30 us gallons. I also have a fluval 205 canister filter...