Am I Over Stocked


New Member
Mar 24, 2006
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uk kent
I have a rio 180l tank witch i think is about 30gallons ???
Anyway please help am i overstocked
i have
8 Guppys
3 mollies
4 coloured widows
5 black widows
3 herliquins
2 cherry barb
1 glass catfish
2 Cherry Tetras
3 clown loaches
1 red tailed shark
1 sucker fish not sure (he is small)
1 kulhi loach
1 small frog
1 shrimp

Short answer, yes. It you just add up the # of fish and others you have, that's 36 guys in a 30 gallon tank. This don't take into consideration how big some of your fish will get. The clown loaches get 12" each and the RTBSs get to 5". :crazy: Also please double-check the size of your tank.
Short answer, yes. It you just add up the # of fish and others you have, that's 36 guys in a 30 gallon tank. This don't take into consideration how big some of your fish will get. The clown loaches get 12" each and the RTBSs get to 5". :crazy: Also please double-check the size of your tank.
They dont seem unhappy, i will get a bigger tank, then thank you
thats one overstocked tank!
glad ur doing suming about it tho
how manty water changes should i do untill i get a new tank
There semms to be plenty space in there
mmm...once every week depending on how dirty it gets...but ur saying its fine so maybe every 2 weeks
Not only overstocked but inappropriately stocked.
You have fish in incorrect social groupings and fish that stay 1.5" & fish that get to a foot long.
Your tank is 40 imperial gallons. You have more than enough fish to stock a Rio 400.

How long has the tank been running?

Can you find a new fish shop? Any shop that sells coloured widows ( these are dyed - look at the pinned topics) is not one worth patronising. Money is coming before fish welfare & advice to beginners will also lag behind how much money can be made.
Not just overstocked but you must have a few unhappy fish in there.
Your glass catfish, just one :no: six is the minimum for these. They are very fickle fish and fimd security in mumbers.

I do agree with diademhill though, coloured widows again :no: , this shop is not putting welfare of the fish first neither giving the customer proper information on the fish they buy.
Had the tank for over 2 months now, the water is always fine, but many of you have agred this is over stocked so i will get a new tank as soon as possible but they all really seem happy, even the glass fish.
He has many hiding places ive had him for 4 months, he was in my old tank first.
i have logs and caves and a very good plant section were they hide.
I grew 15 baby guppys in the too, I moved them in to a 15 gal when they grew 3 weeks
creamo098765, great decision on getting a bigger tank! Please don't take people's concerns for the fish as insults to you. We just love fish here. :)

Also, if you're not sure of the suckerfish you have, post pictures. I know someone would ID him for you so you can look up the requirements for him.

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