Which Killifish Is Ok For My Comunity?


Fish Fanatic
Mar 1, 2006
Reaction score
Telford, Shrops. UK
Hey all, just looking on trimar and see they have a good selection on killifish on there. Are any of these beautiful fish unsuited to my very piecefull community tank? I am very fond of the APHYOSEMION AUSTRALE!
Thanks in advance,

Edit - Ok done quite a bit of reading since i wrote this. My water is usually around 7.5 ph and is also quite hard. So i guess i need west african killis (which are far better suited to a comunity, apparently)

Anybody able to tell me what are better species of these to keep, any killifish experts on here?

The first time I kept them, they were in a community with some fairly boisterous Rainbow Fish. They didn't fair well and died eventually. I wasnt' sure why, but they didn't compete for food well.

Recently I have had a pair in a more peaceful community tank and in this one they've been a menace and have been shredding other fish fins.

I'd say keep killifish in species tanks and don't put two males together. My experience is that it is the exception that it works in a community tank, not the rule.
At last someone interested in Killi's, I was begining to dispair.
Aphyosemion australe (chocolate, gold or spotless orange) will adapt to your aquarium water conditions and a pH of 7.5 is not too drastic. If you are hoping to breed these then I will supply you with a more indepth answer. but your water parameters will have to be gradually changed. For now acclimatise them slowly from the bag to your aquarium conditions over the space of an hour. A tight fitting coverglass or floating plant cover is a necessity as they can and will jump. (speaking from experience). I am a member of various Worldwide killifish associations and I would advise joining one. eg British Killifish Association.
Current membership stands at £17. a lot of dosh you may say, but consider this. You are going to purchase a pair of Australe from Trimar and I imagine you are going to pay over the odds pluss the postage. £17 joining fee puts you within reach of breeders of many different species of killifish, some you will never ever see let alone own. You get to attend auctions and conventions and you will recieve a monthly colour newsletter (Killi News). Australe usually can be gleened for £5 per pair sometimes even less and most of the time they will be a lot better stock than the dealers. So I will let you decide.
But yes Aphyosemion australe are an excellent community fish which will benefit from a varied diet. A dark substrate and subdued lighting (floating plant such as Salvinia) sets them of to their best advantage.
I hope this was of some help.
Ha ha, a wonderful reply, thank you very much BigC. It has come to my knowledge reading previous posts from you on this forum that you are definately the man to ask on killifish issues.
But yes Aphyosemion australe are an excellent community fish

The literature says they are peaceful fish, but have you tried keeping killis with guppies ? My experience and the experience of another killi keeper I know is that the Aphyosemion Killis view fancy fins as dinner. I've had a gardneri kill a guppy before and I'd have lost a couple of others if I hadn't intervened with the Australe. The Australe even started on the Pentazona barbs tale fins. This is inspite of having a varied diet of blood worm, live brine shrimp, pea and mussel.

Mike, try these by all means, they are beautiful fish and I am very fond of killifish. But be prepared to move them to a species tank if it doesn't work out and don't try them with guppies or bettas. If you start seeing pieces of missing tale fins then you know where they're going and don't put them in with fish that are too boisterous unless you're going to make special effort to see they don't miss out at feeding time.

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