Is Marine Feasable For Me?


Fish Fanatic
Mar 1, 2006
Reaction score
Telford, Shrops. UK
Hey all, looking into the possability of a marine tank, but to be honest seem a bit confused by all the different things that i have never come across in FW tanks. I could use a 36x16x16 tank for this, which i guesstimate to be around 30 us gallons. I also have a fluval 205 canister filter.

Would my tank and filter be ok for a marine set up? What other things do i need to consider in the hardware department before anything live is thought of?

Thanks in advance.
Thats 6.75 cubic feet, with about 7.5 gallons to a cubic foot thats closer to 45 gallons.

While Canister Filters are great for fresh water tanks in a marine tank and kind of buiomedia or spong or filter floss will catch debris that cruitters living on the live rock would useually eat and as a result end up with higher nitrates, best to just go out and purchase a few power heads and live rock.
I was told that living rock can just go into the filter canister. Is this not the case? Also i know that i have used copper meds, how much of a problem will this cause for me?

Thanks again
Yes, LR can be put into canisters and it is reccomended that you do so. As for copper meds, that will pretty much limit your ability to keep corals depending on how bad your seals are... Are they really blue-green, or just a little tinted? Over time the copper in the silicone will diffuse back into your tank water and highly copper sensetive organisms like corals will persih due to it.
Not just corals but a lot of inverts will be affected by copper leaching back into the tank too. If you know you've used copper meds in the tank it's best just to buy a new one IMO

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