Platty Babies.


Fish Fanatic
Mar 1, 2006
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Telford, Shrops. UK
Hey, this morning against all odds in face of the current death (three more last night too!) i found a tiny little chap being hunted down by my betta, turns out it was a baby platty! :D

What can should i be feeding this little guy? There is no way i can catch him to get out of the tank, so should stop with the meds in this tank for a week or something so he gets older or will he be ok with it already? Cant have another death on my hands!

But yey for my first baby! :D
You can try feeding Baby Brine Shrimp to it, but crushed flake is probably the best bet at the moment.

As for the medication, I'm not totally sure of the effects it may have on a new born, but I don't THINK it will have any adverse effects.

For the sake of a baby platy, I myself wouldn't stop using the medication.
Why exactly can't you catch the fry?

Crushed flakes would be ok, though they might never reach the fry. Eye droppers or turkey basters might help. *shrugs*
Dude, if I can catch 30+ mollie fry that are newborn with lots of fish in my tank, within 20 mins, surely you can catch 1 fry?
I just removed all my ornaments + plants and got them all 1 by 1. It was easier than I expected and I had no trouble at all, even though you do see them zooming about the tank and your like? "Me, catch that? Never!"

I can remember the days of catching fry there quite easy just trap them in a corner. :lol:
Ok maybe me not catching them was a bit defeatist of me. I dont think she has stopped dropping yet though, is it normal to have some over two or more days? We are up to about six now. You think it would best to remove them? There seems no real threat from anyone else in the tank, except my Fluval 205 :p
Just cut a pair of tight and put over the filter with a rubber band then the fry won't get dragged into the filter.

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