Search results

  1. C

    Joining A Plant Group.

    Sounds like it could be good. Plenty of people on here could write articels I am sure which could be easily searched, etc. searches on forums suck. Members could have proper photo album journals, exceeding what they can do in forums. There is lots of scope, if there is hte drive backing it. I...
  2. C

    Worlds Largest Aquarium Petition Is Up - Sign!

    Their ethical policy You know, I would like to know exacly what the campaigners are campaigning against... I do not see them outside the London Aquarium, and I am sure the standards this place will offer will far exceed anything in the London Aquarium. Nobody in their right minds would set...
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    I do. On one of my tanks I have a dual 18W and a dual 30W connected to a digital timer. No problems at all. Have done it on another tank before too without a problem.
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    Java Moss..

    Good luck with the moss monte... I can get it growing slowly, but it is brown and scraggly and not very attractive. I hope this will change once I get my co2 running in the tank.
  5. C

    Oh Hell....

    I am sure most people would have figured out what I meant (you did), but yes.
  6. C

    Oh Hell....

    Can't remember the brand name.... Got a cheap one off Ebay. Guess it will teach me to try and cut costs on important things like heaters.
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    Oh Hell....

    Well, woke this morning to find I have lost 2 angels, all fish gasping at surface... temperature rose to 33/34 degrees C!!!! I have unplugged the heater for now, and hopefully the temp will not drop too much by the time I get home with a new heater. It is a 270 litre tank, so should not cool...
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    Are You A Compulsive....

    Found this survey on bbc, which is supposed to help indicate if you are a compulsive gambler. I knew I wasn't, but went through the survey out of pure boredom. However, half way through I thought if I substituted fish keeping for gambling, I would score rather high, on those questions that...
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    Amano Aquascaping Demonstration

    Of course, setting a tank up that quickly helps with whatever plants you might want or need ready to hand. Secondly, helps with having lovely bits of wood picked out prior, plus all the assistants hanging around... I am just being cynical, really :D
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    Nile Perch - Darwins Nightmare Bbc 4 Now!

    Anyone know of any repeat times for this?
  11. C


    Well, guess he's in the clear then :)
  12. C

    Re-stock Time!

    Wow.... you know when I briefly considered going brackish I must have read all the wrong info! I got the impression it required a bit of time, care and attention to detail to get a brackish tank running properly - and this being prior to even putting fish in.... turns out reading this, all I...
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    Which Is Your Favourite?

    Where is the neither option?
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    Some clams are hermaphroditic , meaning they might not need a partner to mate.
  15. C

    Disposable Welding Co2 Cylinders And Regulators

    Just an update... by the end of the week I should know whether this has worked for me. I had to put all on hold for a bit until I had the cash to continue again. My aim has been to find everything online, so that I can tell people where to find everything if it works. I have just ordered the...
  16. C

    Ech Cordifolius

    Well, as requested here are pics. The first pic is of tank before re-arranging to make room for the cordifolius. The other pics were taken yesterday and the leaf that is nearing the top in them is now breaking the surface already... The two leaves which were previously breaking the surface...
  17. C

    Local Water Ph

    I am in twickenham and our water is around 7.2.... guess must be different water sources. What part of London you in? PS - even though I get all the same lime scale in my kettle, it does not seem to bother my fish any - and many of them are softwater fsh.
  18. C

    Fish For Planted Tanks

    Dwarf pencilfish are pretty and really like to get in amongst the plants. I wish these fish were more readily available. I did think that my angels would like to get in amongst tall plants like valis, but they tend to stick to the open. Khuli loaches tend to like climbing around in bushy...
  19. C

    Where To Find That Perfect Bog Wood!

    I had not one, but three pieces of wood, which on their own were nothing special, btu I was able to use them together to make a nice arrangment in the center of the tank..... then I re-arranged to make space for one of my plants which is just getting far too big, and stuffed it all up...
  20. C

    Ech Cordifolius

    Well, my ech cordifolius is doing wonderfully. In fact it is probably going to outgrow my 70 gallon tank... The last 2 leaves to come up on it have gone out of the water (the tank is 2 feet deep) and been singed on the lamps. Are all new leaves likely to grow out of the water? Or will it...
  21. C

    Parents Are A Pain.

    lighting article on PFK
  22. C

    Parents Are A Pain.

    Sorry, are you looking for articles on why you need to add more light, or how to go about adding more light?
  23. C

    Going Offline For A While

    Best of luck with the new job :good:
  24. C

    Sam's Nano Journal

    Perhaps attach some java moss to it?
  25. C

    Sam's Nano Journal

    Personally, I like it with the wood....
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    Sam's Nano Journal

    Are there any fish in there?
  27. C

    Sam's Nano Journal

    That tank is simply stunning :drool:
  28. C

    Could You Help Aquascape My Tank?

    Firstly, if you could get a clearer pic it would help a lot as it is kind of hard to see exactly what the decor you have looks like currently. It does look like you have a very thin layer of gravel. Personally I would try and get that a bit thicker if you would like to have some plants in...
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    Disposable Welding Co2 Cylinders And Regulators

    Thanks Zig, might land up using them. Might very well do that Chris. Am still going to do just a little more searching first though. Hvve moved away from searching for "needle valves" as trying to be more general... it would be good to be able to put together something that would be cheap and...
  30. C

    Disposable Welding Co2 Cylinders And Regulators

    Ok, finding anything in a hardware store this weekend was impossible as its a bank holiday weekend and the only place I might have had luck was closed... So I have been looking around on the net trying to find needle valves to use with the regulator and Co2 bottle I bought, but I am actually...
  31. C

    Slowly Coming Along....

    Thanks all The foreground plannt is ech tenellus... just still gots lots of growing to do. On the fromt left is ech belerhi(?) and a couple of mixed crypts. Front right is ech cordifolius, sagittaria subulata, and some other sagittaria (some kind of morph I think) The tank itself has only...
  32. C

    Slowly Coming Along....

    Still need couple more plants, and many plants still need to do much growing. Hopefully not too long before my CO2 up and running, but the lighting is finally up over the 2WPG. recent tank pic
  33. C

    Interpet T5 Compact Starters

    Hmmm. Oh darn. Been out, bought the starter and lamp and already done the DIY and got it in the tank.... I guess I will just have to see how it goes. I was going to go for the 36 Watt, but then decided at the last second just to go with the 55. I hope to hell I don't have the same crap all...
  34. C

    Interpet T5 Compact Starters

    Oh, and will there be a big difference between 2.32 WPG and 2.58? Apart from the cost involved :X Just not sure if I need a twin 36W or a single 55W. Single 55 would not only be cheaper, but a whole lot easier to install... so if 2.32 will do me, then I will go for that. Although, even...
  35. C

    Interpet T5 Compact Starters

    I am looking to get one of the interpet t5 compact starter units (either 36 or 55 W) to increase WPG in one of my tanks, but just need to know some measurements... What is the length of the cable from the plug to the starter? What is the length of the cable from the starter to the lamp?
  36. C

    Disposable Welding Co2 Cylinders And Regulators

    Personally, I think it seems reasonable rather than cheap... The problem I have with CO2 kits as sold for aquariums is that simply because it is for pets the prices are usually at least twice what is reasonable. And I don't like paying more for something because some companies like to take...
  37. C

    Disposable Welding Co2 Cylinders And Regulators

    Ok, well went out to the hardware store at lunch time... got 600 gram bottle and regulator and they cost less than £20. As you said Rooster, will probably need a needle valve for this setup... did not consider this, but sure it will not be a problem getting one. Will also need to get tubing of...
  38. C

    Disposable Welding Co2 Cylinders And Regulators

    Well, I have more than one issue with most DIY co2 as my big tank is too big for it to be feasible. I also have some problems with most injection based systems in that they are not only quite expensive (usually). The fire extinguisher is an option, but I prefer to stay away from anything to do...
  39. C

    Fire Extinguishers

    Would this work? And what about this as a srouce of CO2? Actually instead o fhijacking this thread and making it messy, will start a new one looking into the possibility of using disposable welding co2 bottles and regulators...