Nile Perch - Darwins Nightmare Bbc 4 Now!

I'm not in the UK but I know about the Nile Perch. It was introduced to provide a more steady and reliable food for the people to live on only it is ruining the Lake by decimating all the other life in it. One of the dangers of introducing non-native species to a local habitat.

The previous guy getting killed, I have no idea but I'm guessing either he was attacked by an animal or shot by poachers/wrong place wrong time.
TV guide says this;

Tuesday, 23 May 2006
10:30 PM - 0:10 AM (1 Hour40 minutes)

Documentary examining the introduction of Nile perch into Lake Victoria. While this has created a prosperous new industry, with the meat becoming Tanzania's most profitable export, it has had a devastating effect on the environment, as the predatory creatures have wiped out all the indigenous fish in the waters

Nominated for an Oscar apparently - made by Hubert Sauper - see link here

Darwins Nightmare

Frankly, I'm finding it hard going - more sociology that biology!

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