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    Does he look like one of these?
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    Finally Got Some Pics Of My Platys And My One Fry

    Nice fish. The one with the red tail and yellow dorsal fin is very pretty, I think he must be a cross between a Platy and a Swordtail as he seems to have a stipe down his side. :thumbs:
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    Try to get a female as males smell more. Whatever you do, do NOT be tempted to get 2 males as they WILL fight.
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    Breeding Swordtails

    It shouldn't make much difference. Is the airline running your filter or just for decoration?
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    New Fry

    They look like they could be Platys, Guppy fry are usually a little longer and thinner than Platy fry. What colour are your Platy females? If they are a similar colour to the fry and the Guppy female isn't then they are most likely to be Platys. Good luck with them. :thumbs:
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    Pregnant Platy?

    They aren’t actually born pregnant, they just breed from a very young age. Hope you have fun breeding them, it is very enjoyable. :thumbs:
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    Has Anyone Heard Of.....

    The Wolf wrote a good thread about the use of different rock in your aquarium.......... It is a very nice piece of pyrite though. :thumbs:
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    Pregnant Platy?

    Platys can get pregnant at 3 months old. With some colours it is difficult to see the gravid patch, you just have to go by the size of the female. Good luck with the next batch, they should arrive in about a month. :D :thumbs:
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    Cheating!!!! :blink: That’s ridiculous :< , why cheat on this type of competition? :no: I agree, if someone cheated they should be disqualified. :byebye: It would be a shame for the other contestants to miss out.
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    Question About My New Platy

    Platys can be very racist! Sounds odd I know, but I have found that some of them will take an instant dislike to red Platys or tuxedos or even wag tails. Maybe your LFS will let you exchange the 1st female for a different colour, you could get another yellow or maybe a blue, (all my males have...
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    Will there be a final heat for Decembers POTM or have the rules changed? :)
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    List Of All Livebearers?

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    Male Or Female ?

    Keep an eye on them though, just as some develop early, some might be late developing males, they could be 6 or even 12 months old when they develop into males. :thumbs:
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    Will Any Of These Fish Eat Molly Fry?

    Corydoras are unlikely to eat them. Mollies, Swordtails and Harlequins will eat any that are small enough to fit in their mouths. I've never kept any of the others but I would expect most of them to eat the fry. Is it possible for you to keep the fry in a separate tank?
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    Gestation Period- And Time Between Pregancies?

    Are you asking about a guppy or a molly, (or another livebearer)?
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    They live for about 2 years. If they have vanished from your tank they have probably died and been eaten by the other fish.
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    Alphabet For Fish

    Q :blink: ............. is for....................... :unsure: ...................... quite a nice tank you have there!? :*) ........................... Just joking. :lol: Q is for QUEEN ARABESQUE
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    How Long Do Guppies Live For

    Usualy 1-2 years, but it does vary.
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    Random Musings On Genetics

    Orange is also very dominant so that could explain it. I have bred many orange Platys with blues and they mostly turn out orange with a sheen from some blue scales, (if that makes sense!?!).
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    Random Musings On Genetics

    Rainbows are wag tails aren't they? If so then wag tails you'll get. I have found that they are quite dominant though, as are Mickey Mouse Platys.
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    Balloon Platy Or Just Plain Fat?

    If she is pregnant I wouldn't expect fry for another couple of weeks going by the picture. Have you seen the Giant Platy thread? It could be that you have just bred a large Platy like those........... Mine was a red wag tail, she was at...
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    Giant Platty

    Actually I don't think it's age, mine was quite young.
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    My Drafts (and A Warmblood!)

    :kewlpics: Nice horses. :thumbs:
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    More Horses And A Dog

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    Giant Platty

    I once had a female red wag tail Platy who must have grown to at least 3 inches long, she was huge. But she was nothing to the blue mickey mouse that I saw at my LHS a few years back :nod:, she must have been 5.5 if not 6 inches long :blink:, the most enormous Platy I have ever seen!! :hyper...
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    Identify A Platy?

    They can be any colour, it's just a variation, (like a Mickey Mouse Platy).
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    Fao - Bettas

    Hi bettas, I have tried to send you a PM but it wont go through. It says your message folder might be full?
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    Identify A Platy?

    Most likely a Calico Platy. Bear in mind that the amount of speckling does vary.
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    Baby Pics

    Cute babies. IovaykInD Looks like there are both Guppies and Platys in there.
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    Yes they will breed together, but as above, it is very important that you have more females than males, a ratio of 2-3 females to 1 male is required so that the females are not harrased to death by the males.
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    Pregnant Or Not!

    I find that in the last week before giving birth Platys take on a 'pear shaped' appearence when looked at directly from the front. I agree that some type of birthing tank would be much better that using a breeding net or trap. Good luck. :thumbs:
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    Guppy Pictures! Part 2.

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    Oygen Tablets

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    Oygen Tablets

    :lol: Yep, it's definitely time to think about getting some sleep!!
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    8 Day Vacation

    Feeding blocks?
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    Oygen Tablets

    Did you spell it the same as you have here? :) oXygen tablets
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    What Has Happened To My Fish?

    Most of the bacteria needed for a healthy tank is in the filter, even if you are using the same filter most of the bacteria will have died off out of water and the water alone does not contain enough beneficial bacteria. I think your problem is with overstocking a newly set up tank, it is more...
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    Oygen Tablets

    Try searching oxygen tablets.
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    What Chemicals Do I Really Need In My Tank?

    I just use water conditioner and bacterlife. Water conditioner is the only essential one. Aquarium salt is necessary for certain types of fish, I don't think that tetras need it. p.s. I love bleeding heart tetras they're great fish, I used to have some and they grew into beautiful (and huge)...
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    What Has Happened To My Fish?

    How long has the tank been set up?