Giant Platty


Fish Herder
Jul 23, 2004
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North Yorkshire (York Area)
:rolleyes: Ok.. strange question, but I'm currently selling some of my plecs on e.bay, and got chatting with a guy who claims he has 3 Large female platties that are about 4" long. :shifty: .. Now maybe I just drempt but I think I read somewhere about a giant strain of platy.. or maybe I'm just going
Has anyone else hear anything about Giant platties? :unsure:
Yeah, I've seen one and so has Bryan (I think?). Some just get larger. Unless you are talking abot Variatus Platies, which DO normally get bigger then the regular ones. :)
I once had a female red wag tail Platy who must have grown to at least 3 inches long, she was huge.

But she was nothing to the blue mickey mouse that I saw at my LHS a few years back :nod:, she must have been 5.5 if not 6 inches long :blink:, the most enormous Platy I have ever seen!! :hyper: (she looked more like a giant Gourami, if it wasn't for the MM markings! :S ).
Thanks guys :thumbs:
Nice to know I'm not going round the U bend :crazy:
Sounds like its an age thing then.. If they live long enough and have enough space they can get pretty huge.
Yes my platy is quite young and was only ina 65Ltr to start with niow in 126
Yeah i have seen proper Jumbo Platys for sale, although i think more than often they are just swordtail/Platy hybrids; the ones i saw were 4.5inchs long.

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