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  1. F

    He Shoots And Scores! Again!

    Great little app for android phones (possably iphone as well) craigsnotify, you can use keywords and when those keywords are detected in a post, the app will notify you. So tonight my phone starting yelling at me, i look and wow what a deal i find..... Rena Filstar XP2 - working with All parts...
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    Fishywishie Tank Roll Call

    that tank looks awesome, are you using co2 for your plants, and i see a huge snail infestation, was that on purpose, or did you want the snails, do they have any practicle purpose? like turning over the sand maybe?
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    My Loach Loves The Filter...

    i use to have that problem(though not to the extent of yours) where my clown loaches would swim up the inlet tube of my hob filter. till i changed to a filter inlet tube that was covered so nothing except maybe fry could get in. One thing though that filter looks nasty with all the buildup on...
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    My Tanks Residents

    yes the ones with the gold lower fins are sterba, and you should definantley have more than 1, cories are schooling fish. 6 would be a nice round number to make them happy. I dont think cories care about what other cories they hang with (someone correct me) i know ive had sterba, trillineus and...
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    My Tanks Residents

    Trying to take some good shots of my fish, learn my camera and entertain myself haha 3 of these guys unknown as to what they are, rehomed from my landlord my 3 clown loaches its a toss up between these and cories as to what i love the most 4 Blue Gouramis(3 spot) OTTOS! so hard to...
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    Pictures Of My Frogs

    ahhh they look great, i use to have african dwarf and clawed frogs and i miss them, they definately do have personalities, i had to get rid of my clawed because i had bought them prior to getting my second tank, and they wound up eating every other small fish i had lol. i may get them again...
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    Identify Please?

    Found this pic in a post in the forum about photo taking and this pleco is beautiful I WANT ONE lol but first i need to know what it is so i can get more info on it thanks
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    Anyone Have Any Ideas Whats Going On With This Cichlid

    noticed these spots? or lack of scales? on my one cichlid today any ideas?
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    Identify This Cichlid Please Thanks

    75gallon tank, been setup for 5 years now, tankmates, 4 blue gouramis, 6 ottos, 6 cories, 3 baby clown loaches, 2 spotted raphael catfish, (who by the way never ever ever ever come out of thier cave), and 2 yoyo loaches. and the 3 new cichlids of course filtration 2 aquaclear 70's hob filters...
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    Identify This Cichlid Please Thanks

    thank you for going that extra mile, ill try and get some new pics, i've had them for around 4 days now, they should have adapted to thier new enviorment by now, well see. They tend to stay at the bottom of the tank, im guessing because of the coverage i have down there. Gotta get some batteries...
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    Yoyo Loach

    if i read your op right first, you want fish for the bottom of your tank, OTTOS are not fish that will stay in one level of the tank, ottos tend to like to look and eat algae they will be all over the tank, mine move from decoration to glass up down and all other ways, they do school together i...
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    Identify This Cichlid Please Thanks

    posted this in old world, and it was suggested that i posted over here, can anyone identify this guy, i have 3 of them rehomed from my landlord and would like to know more about them thanks
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    Good Deal,? Im Thinking So?

    i believe it is triangular (sorta) its not a bowfront if that's what your suggesting
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    Identify This Cichlid Please Thanks

    thanks for the replies, as requested here are some more pics and the goldie, i threw this in cause it thought it was such a great shot lol
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    Good Deal,? Im Thinking So?

    Landlord has a 100+ gallon acrylic tank, with stand, lights, filter, and other accesories for 500, was used as a saltwater tank when he bought it, he had it as a freshwater tank setup in his basement, i seen it filled and stocked so i know no leaks (of course its acrylic so why would there be)...
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    Identify This Cichlid Please Thanks

    My landlord needed to rehome 3 of these and a gold fish, i took them off his hands, but need to learn more info on them thanks
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    Identify These Cories Please!

    Please help me to identify these guys, i love cories and want more... i believe this one to be sterbai, because of the gold fin?? this one i have no idea. Maybe false julii thanks in advance
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    100 Gallon Tank

    Cal i meant no disrepect to you or anyone. Your comparison as a joke, has been used by many people to try and explain weight issues with tanks. So even though you meant it as a joke, ive seen many many people who actually believe in that theory. Sad isn't it =) Kevin
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    100 Gallon Tank

    I so love these post about weight, and the myths, misconceptions that follow them. 1 Weight is always a factor no matter what floor your on, (excluding the concrete slab the house is built on). Water /gal equates to 8.33 lbs, factor in aquarium, stand, substrate, decorations, accessories etc...
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    When a hobby becomes a chore

    thanks everyone for your replies and good wishes, i don't intend to give up, just will be taking a break right now, some of the things i said were misunderstood(ie fishless cycle) i didnt meant that i DID a fishless cycle, i meant that next time i WILL be doing a fishless cycle. but nevertheless...
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    When a hobby becomes a chore

    I'm almost to the point where im about to give up. I know i entered this hobby uneducated and ignorant to the needs and responsibilities that it takes. After learning the demands needed of me, i was more than happy to oblige. But it seems for every 1 step forward i take i get thrown back 2...
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    AMquel Plus HELP!!

    Update i woke up this morning to find that i lost every fish in the tank, and one silver dollar in my second tank, as i dosed both tanks with amquel plus, i think thats more evidence (from loosing fish in both tanks) that it was the amquel plus
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    AMquel Plus HELP!!

    thanks no i don't have a hospital tank and at this point i have lost all but 4 fish, so im unfortunantly (and i hate myself for saying this) but just waiting for the others to pass on, and i will start over =( To answer your questions 30 Gallon (US) tank stocked with (well was) 5 bleeding...
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    AMquel Plus HELP!!

    I just purchased the amquel today aprox 2 hours before i used it. No, i did not do a water change before hand. And yes, they started going nutz aprox 20-30 minutes after i dosed. I now have lost all of my tetras 5 bloodfin, 5 bleeding heart, 5 neons and 1 silver mollie =( I know i am still a...
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    AMquel Plus HELP!!

    I just dosed with amquel plus, and almost instantly my neons/bloodfins/and blleding hearts started going crazy,, they aree swimming around (disoriented) i just literally watched a Neon tetra die, and my pleco scared the hell out of me, he came flying out of his hideout swam super fast to the top...
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    Tough tetras! Who are the hardy ones?!

    unfortunantly, i didnt know a thing about cycling a tank, when i purchased my neons, bloodfins, bleeding hearts and they all survived the cycling, along with a pleco (havent id him yet) keeps hiding
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    Gouramis Behaviour

    My blue is only doing this to the other gouramis, he leaves every one else along and i only noticed this behaviour changed after i introduced 3 clown loaches into the tank (they will be moved to my 75gallon tank once i get it cycled). The Gouramis are the ones i have had the longest 3 months now
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    Gouramis Behaviour

    Lately (last week or so) ive noticed that my biggest gourami likes to chase the other gouramis around the tank and when he gets them sideways he likes to ram them, why is he being so aggressive all of a sudden, and/or is this normal. he is a 3 spot gourami, the other 3 are all opaline Ive...
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    water testing

    sorry i should have mentioned i was looking for a retailer for the l107 or the l183 plecos in the USA. im in the US on the east coast thanks
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    water testing

    Thats great to hear you have eased my worries, i was not aware that you were breeding fish, and i also see that your in the states, (another forumn that i belong to is mostly UK ) Im looking for one of two perticular bristlenose the l183 or the l107 if you happen to know of a place that will...
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    more like what are your ammonia and nitrite levels, increase your water changes percentage and your frequency of them till you notice a drop in nitrates. there very high. AMmonia and nitrites are your worse enemy though
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    cloudy water

    25% a week is for regular maintenance, for a bacteria bloom, algae bloom, Nitrite or ammonia spike, you can increase your water changes with no problems, with nitrite and ammonia you SHOULD increase your water changes. You will here some say that you will loose any benificail bacterie from the...
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    Adding Bogwood?

    This procedure has never failed me, what i do instead of boiling i have a 5 gallon bucket that i use 1 run the hot water in your tub till it gets the hottest that it can get and fill the bucket, drop in the bogwood and let it soak over night, in the morning when you wake up, pour out the cooled...
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    New to fish Keeping

    First of welcome to the hobby and to this forum For starters you need to get yourself a test kit, API (aquarium pharmaceuticles inc) makes a very very good test kit, The things you need to check on a regular basis are, Nitrites, Nitrates and AMmonia and PH, Your optimium levels should be...
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    ill clown loach

    How do you define "fine" what are your readings, please post them so we can better help you clown loaches rule don't they =) i have 3 myself
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    Are these readings ok?

    I too agree, Ammonia and nitrites should be 0 DO NOT add any more fish until they are Seeing as how you only have a 10gallon you dont have much room tow ork with, WHat fish do you currently have in there and how many of each species. oh sorry i see ow 3 platys. they will grow anywhere from 1.5...
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    water testing

    I test my water weekly (every saturday) before i do my weekly water change, if i add new fish, etc i test again a couple hours after adding the fish, Im sorry with no offense intended - that is very poor practice, first off not all fish will show signs immediately of a problem, some fish are...
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    What the hell ?

    yep read up on parasites, the itching behaviour usually indicates a parasite and the fish is trying to remove it by scracthing up against items
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    how often?

    couldn't have said it better thank falcon did as your mini cycle progresses i would do more water changes to bring the levels down, as falcon said your fish won't be harmed by water changes, maybe stressed if they are skittish/shy but harmed in no other way