No offense taken FishLuvr, most all of my tanks are dedicated to breeding & growing out angelfish, I think I have a handle on it as far as water tests are concerned.
A 10 gallon hatching & grow out tank that houses fish for the first 3 weeks & gets 50% water changes daily isn't going to need testing unless you see something wrong. If somehow the water is bad, you will see it, trust me.
On week 4 the 300 or so fry go into a 20 gallon, getting 50% water changes twice weekly. Again, you will see any problems.
On week 6 the fry get split up, half go into a 2nd 20, 50%-75% water changes weekly.
This continues on until they reach at least dime size, then they begin to get sold. All along you have the occasional deadie, anyone who tells you they breed fish & never lose a single fry is lying. Any time during this growing & transfering process anything seems out of line, water tests ARE done. No problems, no tests, angel fry are quite sensitive to water conditions. If every death, addition, or transfer of filters on tanks created an ammo spike, I would have a lot of dead little fish. All my tanks are seriously overfiltered, like a 55 with an Eheim 2222, 2224, AC 300, & a homemade 250 gal/hr filter, all on 1 tank.
All other tanks get 50% to 75% wc's weekly. All have similar filtration.
I think if you get sensitive enough testing equipment you will find trace amounts of ammo in any tank. It just means it hasn't gotten to the filter yet to be converted into NO2 & NO3.
I get to the doctor at least once a year, thanks to my screwy back, he does a good checkup then, and tells me to quit smoking. Anything beyond that, I call the doctor. Much of my truck maintainance I do myself, any problems I talk to the gearheads I work with at the shop. Anything beyond that, I call the mechanic.
My body and my vehicle have a good maintainance schedule, as does my breeding setup. Anything has me stumped with my tanks, I have half a dozen other angel breeders to call for advice who are members of the local aquatics club.
Don't be too worried FishLuvr, my fish are well cared for. The ones I sell only go to auctions & a couple of shops I trust, they ask for water samples before they sell fish, & won't sell them to you if they don't think it's a good situation. Folks bidding at auction have to know their fish, have yet to see someone there who doesn't. I worry more about the fish after they leave than when they are here.