AMquel Plus HELP!!


New Member
May 30, 2005
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I just dosed with amquel plus, and almost instantly my neons/bloodfins/and blleding hearts started going crazy,, they aree swimming around (disoriented) i just literally watched a Neon tetra die, and my pleco scared the hell out of me, he came flying out of his hideout swam super fast to the top and darted back down again, i thought he was gonna jump out

Whats happeneing, ive used this before and didnt seem to have any problems.

Help me please =(

Ill do a water change while i wait for replies
that's normal for a pleco, but it may have been a reaction to something. don't have a clue why this would happen. did you do a water change before you dosed with amquel? If so maybe the water company changed the water... Hmmm did you possibly leave the amquel somewhere VERY hot... just a thought. maybe heat had an effect on the amquel??? Was it deffinitly a reaction to the amquel. They started going nuts right after you dosed.
I just purchased the amquel today aprox 2 hours before i used it. No, i did not do a water change before hand. And yes, they started going nutz aprox 20-30 minutes after i dosed. I now have lost all of my tetras 5 bloodfin, 5 bleeding heart, 5 neons and 1 silver mollie =(

I know i am still a newbie, but logic suggest to me that for something so drastic and sudden that it would have to be the amquel as nothing else was done to the tank

But ive used amquel before with no problems
what are your water paramaters? Ammo nI all that?

EDIT: what size is your tank?

EDIT 2: you probably just missed this but it's a good idea to post as many of these as you can.

When posting a request for help can you please include the following info

1. Water parameters. (ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, PH, temp', Hardness etc)
2. A full description of the fishes symptoms.
3. How often you do water changes and how much.
4. Any chemicals and treatments you add to the water.
5. What tank mates are in the tank.
6. Tank size.
7. Finally Have you recently added any new fish?
Since something is gong so crazy in there right now, do you have a hospital tank you can put them into while you clean out the other tank and do a 100% water change? I know this is normally not recomended, but you have had such a major loss at this point, i'm thinking it might be worth it
Just throwing out a general heads up here, but depending on the test kit you have, amquel will mess up your results as it will not differientiate between the detoxified ammonia and the toxic ammonia (same with nitrites and nitrates, according to information I saw online about amquel).
thanks no i don't have a hospital tank and at this point i have lost all but 4 fish, so im unfortunantly (and i hate myself for saying this) but just waiting for the others to pass on, and i will start over =(

To answer your questions

30 Gallon (US) tank
stocked with (well was)
5 bleeding heart tetras
5 neon tetras
5 bloodfin tetras
6 silver mollies they are the newest about 4 days
1 unidentified pleco

tank is a littler over 2 months old, fully cycled about 2 weeks ago, (unfortunantly i didnt know about cyclcing when i first got the tank) <--- i know what your gonna say, its the lack of cycling, but consider this, ALL THE FISH DIE AT ONCE?

my schedule of feeding has been
Mondays - Wed - Fri - Sun - 1 pinch of tetra flakes before work,
tuesday- one cube (defrosted in tank water) of blood worms, or brine shrimp before work
Thursday - same as tuesday
Saturday - Bloodworms or brine shimp in morning (same as tuesday/thursday) and a slice of cucumber at night, i remove the left over cucumber the next morning

since my tank cycled i have been doing 30% water changes every saturday afternoon.

I test almost daily with a API liquid test kit as im still new and have been worried about the tank
If you don't have a hospital tank, you can also use another large container, such as a 5 gal bucket or a big pot, etc. Just make sure it is clean.

Do you have any idea on what caused this cycle to avoid trouble in the future?

Sorry for all your losses :byebye:

EDIT: FYI - I got my hospital tank for like $12 (US) just to have something to isolate fish in. and that was a 10 gal
Update i woke up this morning to find that i lost every fish in the tank, and one silver dollar in my second tank, as i dosed both tanks with amquel plus, i think thats more evidence (from loosing fish in both tanks) that it was the amquel plus
So sorry to hear about that. I lost all 13 cardininal tetras to an ich plauge once. I guess these kind of things happen. :/

The only thing I can think of is that someone maliciously tampered with the bottle and put 409 or something in it. Was there a safety seal attached before you used the Amquel?

Either that or you could write a letter to Kordon, AmQuel's manufacturer and inquire about it. Hey, maybe they'll give you some coupons or something.

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