Pictures Of My Frogs


Fish Fanatic
Aug 28, 2006
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Here are some pics of the two froglets I bought from Jenste. Their names are currently Rufus and Moe but once I can tell their sex I'll change them accordingly. The little guys love to eat, they get excited whenever I open the tank lid, they certaintly have personality! Moe tried eating from my fingers last night, Rufus is much better at finding the food on the bottom so Moe wanted to get an advantage lol. Sorry, some pics are blurry, I had just finished feeding them and they were looking for more so wouldn't stay still.



Rufus on top, Moe on bottom










ahhh they look great, i use to have african dwarf and clawed frogs and i miss them, they definately do have personalities, i had to get rid of my clawed because i had bought them prior to getting my second tank, and they wound up eating every other small fish i had lol. i may get them again someday, but gotta get a bigger place for more tanks lol, have fun with them
Hi 55gal :)

Thanks for sharing the pictures of your frogs. They look excellent since they are so nice and plump.
they look so great!!!! I am so glad they have settled in so well!

A great way I taught mine to eat from my fingers was to hold the tail of a live feeder guppy - - not very nice but but considering the fact that they can live 15-20 years, its a great way to build trust with them when they are young - - helpful if you ever need to really handle them due to an injury (like when the snail latched on to my frogs leg a few weeks ago! the frog was very calm in my hands considering the situation)

they definitely look like they enjoy their new home - - their spots are becoming so much more pronounced then even when I sent them to you!!! I can't wait to see how they grow! :wub:
oh and as far as sexing goes - - in the very last picture, the frog on the left may be a female - - it may just be the angle, but it looks like her cloaca is beginning to develop!!! instead of a indent between the rear legs, a little "bud" or "tail" seems to be becoming visible

you see them much closer and at different angles, you may be able to see the differences better.
Thanks everyone!

I actually did notice that Jenste, but I thought it was too early to tell. There's definately something there, looks like Rufus might need a new name lol.
how are the babies?? :D
how are the babies?? :D

They're great! I definately think Rufus is female, Moe might be too but it's not as obvious if he is, so the jury's still out on him/her. I do get kind of worried when I try to change water and they decide food MUST come from the big tube and try to get in the way of the siphon, but I haven't sucked anyone up yet lol. They look a lot bigger, their back legs especially, more powerful and long.

About how much are you feeding the one you kept? I mean I assume I'm doing the right amount since they are doing well, but I'm just curious. Like how many reptomin sticks would you break up for one? For any bloodworms or brine shrimp I defrost half a cube but stop if they're bellies look like they're starting to buldge too much lol.
how are the babies?? :D

They're great! I definately think Rufus is female, Moe might be too but it's not as obvious if he is, so the jury's still out on him/her. I do get kind of worried when I try to change water and they decide food MUST come from the big tube and try to get in the way of the siphon, but I haven't sucked anyone up yet lol. They look a lot bigger, their back legs especially, more powerful and long.

About how much are you feeding the one you kept? I mean I assume I'm doing the right amount since they are doing well, but I'm just curious. Like how many reptomin sticks would you break up for one? For any bloodworms or brine shrimp I defrost half a cube but stop if they're bellies look like they're starting to buldge too much lol.

lol mine can easily wolf down 6-8 HBH frog and tadpole bites ... about 1 and 1/2 reptomin sticks. daily feedings that give their bellies a moderate bulge are actually good for them right now. around feb/march you can start cutting back to everyother day feedings.

the one I am keeping - the reticulated - I am actually considering selling now that I increased my colony today. (I have another post in the amphibian section - - I finally got my hands on a Piebald!
Excellent pictures!! I had one of these a few years ago, dont they grow to quite a substantial size?

Mine was in a community tank and somehow had a hand bitten off, 2 months and i couldnt believe what i was seeing, it grew back...weird.

Where did you get them from, i can never find any as chunky as yours, they are always so skinny at the local LFS
lol well 55gal actually got them from me - - I breed my ACF.

and yes, they DO grow to a decent size - - body - 6" in females and 4" in males.

they are not supposed to be added to community tank for that very reason - - fish either injure them or they eat the fish - - either way the two species do not mesh well!

if you want a healthy frog your best bet is to go through a breeder - - fish store ones are mostly very malnourished, from over bred stock and often ill.
the one I am keeping - the reticulated - I am actually considering selling now that I increased my colony today. (I have another post in the amphibian section - - I finally got my hands on a Piebald!

Do you have a home lined up for him? I do think I'd like to try for a third again, I was worried at first considering what happened but now that I know I have to acclimate him I'm assuming things will go much better. My only concern would be shipping in this temperature....
well I just had frogs shipped to me monday (arrival tuesday) with no problems. they arrive the same way I shop (and to be honest the way I copied) - - you just have to slowly acclimate them once you get them - - have water sitting out just below room temperature (about an inch or so in a bucket), float their container on there for about 30 min, then let them out into the water for a couple hours, slowly added small amounts of slightly warmer water until it reaches the same temp as your tank.

I have updated my post on here in the classifieds - -if you do want the reticulated albino or the natural marbled let me know - - for you I will take $5 off for either due to the earlier mishap - - so the reticulated albino would be $15 and you can have the marbled one for free if you want.

(or both for $15 considering you have a filtered species only tank)

also, I will ship as late in the day as possible to reduce the traveling time. Most likely by 7 pm so that they are only in transit 15-16 hours :good:

if you want to, you can email me :) (otherwise I think we need to continue this in the classified section lol)

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