Identify This Cichlid Please Thanks


New Member
May 30, 2005
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posted this in old world, and it was suggested that i posted over here, can anyone identify this guy, i have 3 of them rehomed from my landlord and would like to know more about them thanks




posted this in old world, and it was suggested that i posted over here, can anyone identify this guy, i have 3 of them rehomed from my landlord and would like to know more about them thanks





Not quite sure what it is just yet, I will say that it looks more Old World than New World however.
What size are they, I am thinking maybe some kind of apisto

Scratch that the head shape is wrong
Can't tell the size, either, but they resemble some type of dwarf cichlid to me. More Ram-like than apisto.
Where are you located, i cant tell for sure,looks stressed, but iam going to say at present,first pic leads me to The pumpkinseed sunfish
(Lepomis gibbosus

only other thing i can think of,try googling egyptian mouth brooders
Nelly made me do more google image searches! Got my curiosity up. I didn't think they looked like the sunfish or the egyptian. I'm now thinking perhaps "African Butterfly Cichlid" with faded colors from stress?? Something similar to that.
I have to admit I agree with Nelly I think they might be some kind of sun fish - they have the typical ear shape on the gill which would also tie in if they have been kept in a cool water tank with a goldfish?

Not a sunfish, never seen a fish liek that round here, I live in Mobile, AL.
I though at first stressed Jewel Cichlid., but looks like some Krobia sp.
It's not a sunfish, mouth is'nt big enough, sunnies aren'y as elongeated, and actually retain some color when stressed. It's an Old world cichlid from what I see.


This is a Juvenile Pumkinseed. Most Sunfish look alike, excluding bass, as Juveniles.
Ive never seen a sunfish in my life,lol just pictures,,, ok after exstensive googling and inclings, ive come up with a couple of names, also i took the liberty of borrowing your pics asking around, i have come up with a couple of names for you to google,hehe
But bearing in mind it looks very stressed,if you could get some pictures once its coloured up that may help some what, but for now,

Oreochromis niloticus baringoensis / Oreochromis niloticus niloticus

Leaning toward a Oreochromis spp very much so,
Ive never seen a sunfish in my life,lol just pictures,,, ok after exstensive googling and inclings, ive come up with a couple of names, also i took the liberty of borrowing your pics asking around, i have come up with a couple of names for you to google,hehe
But bearing in mind it looks very stressed,if you could get some pictures once its coloured up that may help some what, but for now,

Oreochromis niloticus baringoensis / Oreochromis niloticus niloticus

Leaning toward a Oreochromis spp very much so,

thank you for going that extra mile, ill try and get some new pics, i've had them for around 4 days now, they should have adapted to thier new enviorment by now, well see. They tend to stay at the bottom of the tank, im guessing because of the coverage i have down there. Gotta get some batteries for my camera so ill take new pics when i get home
Could you tell me how there kept, ie tankmates, cold or tropical conditions, fiteration etc etc, they should be swimming around happily so im wondering what the dilly dally :lol:

75gallon tank, been setup for 5 years now,
tankmates, 4 blue gouramis, 6 ottos, 6 cories, 3 baby clown loaches, 2 spotted raphael catfish, (who by the way never ever ever ever come out of thier cave), and 2 yoyo loaches. and the 3 new cichlids of course

filtration 2 aquaclear 70's hob filters with 2 bags per container

temperature 78 degrees

plants = none
I don't think it's a cichlid. It looks like it could be a native fish.

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