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    Betta Food

    Yeah i meant the shark is 3 inches :) The betta is blue and has a blue/red tail. Looks really nice.
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    Betta Question

    lol cool name hes got. Well made me laugh :)
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    Betta Food

    What do you feed your betta? I need to find something mine likes. I got my first Betta yesterday and he/she looks happy. Chases my rainbow shark.. well not chase, slowly moves towards him and my shark swims away. Hes only young.. bout 3 inches. When hes bigger i think the roles might change...
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    Rainbow Shark owners

    I asked the store what they fed theres on display and they said 5 catfish pellet food a day. So i've bought some of this food and put it in the tank. At the moment hes not gone near it but am hoping at night time he ll pick up it up from the gravel.
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    Aww sorry to hear that. 3 of my fish have died this week to :( One was horrible, 3 days after i bought him my leopard danio started speeding around the tank at 100mph and then on the spot fighting for air it looked and then slowly sunk to the bottom dead :( Then last night 2 of my zebra danio...
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    Rainbow Shark owners

    What do you feed yours? Mine wont eat flakes.. I expected this though and tried to feed him some frozen food (contains a mixture of fish food) but as far as i've seen hes eaten nothing. I've had him 4 days now so i expect hes hungry and i want to feed him of course so i need to know what they eat.
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    Dark buildup on bottom of tank

    Can fish tell what time of the day it is outside the tank? I have the light on 12 hrs roughly but different times. usually 10/12 am i turn it on and midnight/sometimes 1/2am i turn it off.
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    Tough fish

    Zebra danios and platies are alive 4 weeks into a cycle with me so there doing well. I have no idea how soon a circle may kill other fishes to compare though :)
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    Black spot

    Is this a real disease? My platy have black spots. I asked a person who works in my lfs and he said he had never heard of it.. it means the fish are changing colour. If it is a disease is it harming the fish?..whats it doing to them
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    cyceling new tank

    My tank has just finished. I waited 10 days before any fish were put in. In this time i was putting fish food in to help it along. I then got 10 fishes, quite small/young fish. 5 zebra danios and 5 sunset platies. In the next 3 weeks i went through about 2 bottles of ammonia killing products...
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    how much?

    Can someone help. In england/uk, how much does a 50/60 gallon tank cost? Just the tank by itself :) if could answer the same for a 100 gallon tank to that would be great. My first tank (20 gallon) has cycled and in the next 4 weeks or so i would like to get a bigger tank. Any websites with good...
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    been cutting down to 1 meal some days. instead of 2. Seem more interested in the food, before they wasnt taking any notice cos i was feeding them to much.
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    Longest Resident

    4 weeks. My 10 starter fish ;)
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    Zebra danios are really cool. I am going to try and mate them soon. I have 5 zebra danios and 5 sunset platies. All male and going to bring in the females soon ;)
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    Fish rumours

    I hate the euthanasia thread and dont believe anyone has the right to end a fishes life if its in pain or not. If it asked then maybe but they will have to learn to talk first. If we got cancer or something which would give us a few months to live, i for one would like these months to live as...
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    Something that'll eat fry babies

    That euthanization thread made me quite sick the other night when i read it.. so what if the fish is in pain you dont know its feelings and unless the day comes when they can talk and ask you to end their lives dont kill it.
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    Blimey That's Pricey!

    well if they are rare or in demand in the area.. CRANK the price up ;)
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    Fish-unfriendly movies and games...

    disney is fantastic. When nearly every other animal is treated badly in the world it would be unfair to make fish an exception and you just have to live with the fact bad things happen :(
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    Fish rumours

    yeah was going to say.. they cant breath if u pull them backwards and so thats how you drown a fish.
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    fishless cycling...

    I dunno but i would think it would be okay because my tank was 10 days old when i introduced fish. 5 zebra danios and 5 platies and 12 days later(today) the tank has finished cycling i think.. the ammonia is no more at least.. no nitrite i would think anyway that your tank can...
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    If had fish, light a fire somehow(wood/matches whatever) and heat some water and put it in a container/place in the tank. It should keep the water warm until the power would be back. hot water bottle as the container perhaps.
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    Zebra Danio's

    I have 4 stripy ones and ones kinda dotty and i thought maybe that one was feamle. I think they are male though but this one looks different to the rest.
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    Air pump

    Thanks :)
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    Air pump

    I bought an air pump today, a crocodile and the air comes out of his mouth. It wont work though.. i've never had 1 before so its probably my fault, all i ve done is put it in the tank. Have i done something wrong?
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    Cockatoo Dwarf Cichlid

    Anyone on here have this species? I ve read alot of profiles for this fish but non say how big the tank should be and so can someone answer this and give their opinion on how good of a fish it is + Would it attack platy or zebra danios? Ta
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    Losing Interest

    Aww thats beautiful. love couldnt have been written better :*)
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    My "Gay" Guppy Stopped Being Gay

    well theres actually a book you can buy with all the gay animals in. Ricky Gervais(comedian the office) talks about it in 1 of his shows. I have 5 sunset platies.. they are all male(i think) They get on fine.. i want to get some females but i guess i ll need 10 though huh.. i was thinking more...
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    Don't Ever Buy Fish From Wal-Mart

    Oh is it. ta :)
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    Don't Ever Buy Fish From Wal-Mart

    What is "Wal-Mart" American pet store? The fish store i went to the other day was fantastic and i'd rate it 10/10. Cant name it though :lol: but its 2 miles from me and i can get there easily so its all i need to know. The fish looked happy and the bigger fishes had massive tanks that were well...
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    Anyone need a larger tank

    Ah located 25 miles from me. I ll still have to pass though ;)
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    A Record of cycling with fish

    I was told 7 days. I waited 10 however. day 2 with fish and they seem happy :)
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    Fluval Filter too strong?

    I have that filter. 2 of them running in my tank. My zebra danois and red platy get on fine with the flow. like to swim into the current sometimes ;)
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    Shark like fish

    Oh well, perhaps i ll have better luck winning the lottery tonight ;) Hope you find out :D Go through the fish index until you see it?
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    Shark like fish

    zebra danios? :*) probably a very poor guess its just i have them and my brother called them little sharks..
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    Been having dreams about my fish

    cycling my tank at the moment. I dreamed of them yesterday hoping they would survive. They all line up together at the top right end of the tank above the filters and suck air out of the top of the water. Thinking that they couldnt breathe i moved the filters to create more oxergen and in the...
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    cycling problems

    Okay thanks :)
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    cycling problems

    well i said what plant product i use to help lorax311420 and then wrote abit extra not worthy to create a thread over. Dont see why thats so wrong but okay i wont share experiences anymore.
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    cycling problems

    I got my fish. They look happy. I ve used alot of nutrafin cycle to lower the ammona levels. I use nutrafin plant gro to feed my 8 plants :) The fish store i went to was great. I had never been there before. Its a fish store in northfleet. I saw nemo and his dad ;) Had so many fish and nice...
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    cycling problems

    That last bit was a joke :) i was hyper when i wrote that. Tank is 20 gallons. I have 2 filters running at the moment. I was doing a cycle with fish food because i couldnt get hold of ammonia. My ammona readings were 8.0 but i got them down to 0 - the water u couldnt see anything really..not...
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    Platy, guppy, zebra danios

    The wolf No i havent been there. I ve been brans hatch ;) i ll try and find out where this place is located :) About 5 in every group then. Make it a solid 15 fish ;) Try to get 2 males to every 3 females.