

Fish Herder
Aug 6, 2004
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me and my mate want to breed something, but we dont know what...something easy, but not livebearer, he's thinkin mouth brooder but i dont really know what they suggestions on easy and beautiful fish to breed..what have you successfully tried...
Easiest of all.....White Cloud Mountain Minnows.....

Others easy too......Zebra Danios, Cherry barbs, plenty of the barbs in fact!
I would recommend any of the danios- i currently have some pearl danio fry of my own and they are quite attractive fish too.
Hi BOD :)

If you like cory cats, either the bronze or the albino C. aeneus would be an excellent choice. Peppered corys, the C. paleatus, are good too. :D
woohoo im so excited all these ideas, im gunna have to tell my mate, between us we have 10 tanks, half of which are empty!!! guna have to do a bit of research on some of the fish u ppl have suggested, ill keep u posted on what we decide..and any more suggestions will be much appreciated! :D
Zebra danios are really cool. I am going to try and mate them soon. I have 5 zebra danios and 5 sunset platies. All male and going to bring in the females soon ;)
The corys Inchworm mentioned are really a good starting point. Inchworm gave me lots of good advice thoughout my first cory spawning and although I've only got 3 of the babies it was a great learning experience without costing a lot of money or that much more up keep time than my livebearer fry. Mine are the paleatus variety.
If you have so many spare tanks and are up to it - you may want to look into breeding some three-spot gouramies (or any of its color morphs - blue, gold, opaline etc) as they are deffinately beautiful and the easiest gourami to breed. Feeding the fry is realy the only issue.
thanks sylvia that sounds quite good...

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