Shark like fish


Cheer up, the worst is yet to come. ~ P. Johnson
Jul 31, 2004
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The Netherlands/UK
Seeing as I have absolutely no clue what type of fish this is, I dont know where to post this. Mods, feel free to move it :)

When in my not so local fish shop yesterday, I saw a tank full of absolutely gorgeous fish. Its the closest resemblance to a shark I've seen in a while. They were about 7 cm long, shark shaped obviously, dark black colour with horizontal lighter stripes. The eyes seemed to slight bulge out and I cant remember seeing any 'whiskers' (catfish like ones:p ) on them at all.

Afraid thats the best I can do on describing them. It was quite busy so couldnt stand around too long. Any clues at all? (pictures would be appreciated, and else a latin name rather than common)
zebra danios? :*) probably a very poor guess its just i have them and my brother called them little sharks..
Not even close, sorry :) They're already way bigger than a zebra danio as well.
I'll look something up for shape comparison ... or well, as close as I can get.

Not really having much luck finding a pic, plus gotta go for dinner :p I'll continue my search soon.
i think ive seen theses...i wish i could remember what theyre called!there quite big with a pointed nose and are all grey
Oh well, perhaps i ll have better luck winning the lottery tonight ;) Hope you find out :D

Go through the fish index until you see it?
The nose wasnt all too pointy actually. Just nicely rounded. Kind of reminded me of a hammerhead face :p Plus, they're definatly pure dark black with lighter (couldnt even call it grey yet) horizontal striped =/

Thanks for the respondses so far though :)
first thing to make sure is that the stripes aren't stress induced barring..

Other than that, doesnt sound like any shark ive seen, a large barb perhaps?

couldnt find a picture that came near enough. Barb, I guess its possible though its not exactly the average barb shape. The stripes definatly arent stress seeing as they all have it (about 15 of them) and they've been there for a couple of weeks. Its also a good fish shop that quaranteens the fish for 2 weeks first and makes sure water stays perfect. The tanks also have plants in it and hiding spots, so I dont think stress is likely.

I'll probably go over on tuesday and see if I can snap some pictures of them.
I've seen them somewhere before...they're called either Silver Sharks or Siamese Sharks! I'm going to get one, apparently they're basically the same care as a Red Tailed Black Sharks. :D
Possibly one of the Pangasius catfishes?
I'm almost certain they're Siamese Sharks if they're not Silver Sharks then. As soon as I read what they looked like I recognised them. I'm going back to my LFS tomorrow, may get one then! :)
Erised said:
couldnt find a picture that came near enough. Barb, I guess its possible though its not exactly the average barb shape.
Roseline sharks are considered a barb and they are shaped just like a red tail shark. So sometimes shape is a hard thing to judge. Makes finding pictures a pain in the butt to
These are sometimes sold as sharks in the aquarium trade:


Pangasius sutchi

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