Fish-unfriendly movies and games...

I agree with these posts, alot of movies that contain fish, usually something goes wrong and the fish pays the price.

NinjaSmurf - I have to correct you by saying that it is in a Naked Gun movie (The first one) where a lion fish gets speared by a pen when Leslie Nielsons caracture gets caught by Ricardo Montelban when he is looking for clues in his office.

The gold fish being boiled at the Benny Hanaha's is in the Police Academy series, I think it is #3 or 4.

I know I watch waytoo many movies and tv shows.

I have to add a TV commercial to this list (It is for a mobile phone and some art dealer has his 500gal smashed by a falling sculpture and empties it all over the floor) Also there was a video on MTV(Music Television here in the States) that showed one made by the band Faith No More where in the end a gold fish is left flopping around on the floor.
On Diffrent Strokes , Arnold's goldfish (Abraham) was kept in a small bowl, and was once put in Mr.D's hot tub. :eek:
Thanks Troutfly, I saw it on tv and thought it was naked gun, because of Nelson...

I saw that Gwen Stafani video a few weeks back for that rich girl song (I think, I don't have tv, and I rarely listen to the radio stations that play that kind of music, so I don't know for sure) where the little girls are smashing this pirate ship around in a tank and all I could do was cringe and hope there was no fish in the tank...
xanthianacid said:
NinjaSmurf said:
Lol, am I the only one who finds almost ALL Disney movies disturbing?
Not at all. I find almost every disney moving disturbing :D
I agree by the time I cut all the stuff I think is bad out of a disney dvd my kids see about 20 min. At least they are young and don't get a plot line, cuz there isn't one when I'm done.

I couldn't think of a movie but what about the guy that used the goldfish in the blenders full of water a few yrs back. It was some kind of modren art show and the sign said something about you know you want to ? I don't remember the details but I do remember that out of the bunch I think there were 6, only one didn't get blended in like the first hour. YUCK :sick:
E.T. lol - there's a fish tank there and I think it was over-stocked with guppies but my memory might not be the best in the world. I also saw this movie once where this single mother was carrying her children's fish around all day (2 goldfish in a bowl) because she was leaving town for a while and needed someone to look after them or something like that - I kept thinking 'poor fish - they won't last long with all that stress'. The ironic thing is that later in the movie the original two common goldfish had been replaced by a calico fantail and a black moor... I hate to think why. :( Oh and I do realise I pay WAY to much attention to detail :p
At the beginning of Mission Impossible w/ Tom Cruise, doesn't a huge wall tank at a restaurant go crashing all over the road? or am I misremembering.
disney is fantastic.

When nearly every other animal is treated badly in the world it would be unfair to make fish an exception and you just have to live with the fact bad things happen :(
Thank God, I'm not the only one who sees how evil Disney is!!!

:lol: Sheltering kids from the truth of the world won't help in the long run, it's good that Disney is willing to be 'evil' because the world the kids live in is just as 'evil'! :lol:
Raechal said:
:no: Or that guy that swallows like 2 goldfish and then pukes them back up. He says they only have a 5-second memory, so they don't even feel it. I call BS on that on.
that was Steve-o from Jackass, he swallowed three and spat 2 and a half out
actually quite funny,
Dwarf_Dude said:
Raechal said:
:no: Or that guy that swallows like 2 goldfish and then pukes them back up. He says they only have a 5-second memory, so they don't even feel it. I call BS on that on.
that was Steve-o from Jackass, he swallowed three and spat 2 and a half out
actually quite funny,
There is also that guy that swallows like eight balls and coughs them back up and he coughs the sugar back up as well, that is who I am talking about.

Also in I think it is called Jungle 2 Jungle...or something like that...with Tim Allen and that indian boy. Tim Allen's friend (the nerdy looking one) has a fish tank of "rare dwarf african cichlids" which I think are just mbunas or something like the yellow labs and stuff like that. The indian boy cooks them over the fire, although I don't think they used the actual fish but still. Then he feels bad and catches him two rather large adult oscars for his tank which was way too small for two oscars.
Nope Drazi, I remember that too. :) All I could think of when I saw the big tank was 'not the big tank, not the big tank, not the- ahhhhh!'

As to Disney, don't get me wrong, I love most of their movies, but when you actually sit down and look at the symbolism for them it gets disturbing. I mean, Pleasure Island is where a bunch of kidnapped little boys go, and get turned into 'jackasses' and are sold into slavery? Pinocchio is scary when you look at it like that, even for me....

I had an uncle who swallowed pingpong balls and then spit them up again... now that was entertainment! :p

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