Rainbow Shark owners


Fish Fanatic
Mar 18, 2005
Reaction score
Gravesend, England
What do you feed yours?

Mine wont eat flakes.. I expected this though and tried to feed him some frozen food (contains a mixture of fish food) but as far as i've seen hes eaten nothing. I've had him 4 days now so i expect hes hungry and i want to feed him of course so i need to know what they eat.
they love live daphnia too
Not sure how close rainbow sharks are to red tailed black sharks, but I have an RTBS myself, and he will hardley eat anything that is offerd to him.

He seems to crap a lot and is always searching the gravel so he must be eating something. The only thing I have seen him eat is cuccumber and peas, he'll pick at those if they are laying on the bottom.

Hope this help.
they eat algae i think. Mine run all over everything in the tanks so I assume they are eating algae off of the surfaces. Try Algae disks mine go nuts for them.
I asked the store what they fed theres on display and they said 5 catfish pellet food a day. So i've bought some of this food and put it in the tank. At the moment hes not gone near it but am hoping at night time he ll pick up it up from the gravel.
I have rainbow sharks too. They love those Algae disks, and shrimp pellets. They are algae eaters, so they will eat algae out of the tank as well. Mine will eat flake food, but only after it starts falling toward the bottom. Hope that helps. I have tried the dried bloodworms, and they don't seem to like those much.

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