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  1. P

    Fixing A Filter

    Has anyone ever have a problem with a Marineland Pengiun HOB filter.I have two presently but within a month or two of eachother they both started to make a lot noise and then eventually stop pumping on their own. Has anyone had a similiar experience and can anyone tell me where to get more...
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    Tang Vs Malawi

    I would suggest a Tang tank for a 30 gallon due to the size restriction. If you descide to do this be carefull with the Neolamprologus leleupi because i have two in my tank presently along with 3 compressiceps, 2 Neolamprologus caudopunctatus,1 Julidochromis marlieri, 2 Tropheus duboisii (until...
  3. P

    Lake Tanganyika community?

    Well it all depends on what fish you want in there with the Brichardis. Like most Africans they are aggresive but as long as they arent in a mated pair it shouldn't be to awful...and i would look into all differnt Tangs before i decide on just one because there are so many unique kinds id...
  4. P

    My Tang. tank and a Cory Cat

    All the fish are very small and grow slow as most of them do such as the calvus. The cory cat is full grown do u beilve there is a chance they could be unharmed in the 55 gallon with a very lagre rock setup and plants...I understand theat they are aggresive and i wouldn't want to injure the cory...
  5. P

    My Tang. tank and a Cory Cat

    I was wondering if it was at all possible to place my albino cory cat in my Tang. tank. I was just woindering if the water parameters would effect it in any way. sooner a reply the better. thanks PUD
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    Lake Tanganyika community?

    Sounds good to me..i found with the shell dwellers some seem to like their space and i have them in a 55 gallon so there is plenty of room.try not to go overboard with the shell dwellers. (even though you read that you can put quiet a few in your tank)...also for the top dwelling fish i have a...
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    All sand substrate?

    thanks for all the replies i was wondering if it is at all possible to use crucshed coral even though they say to use sand. I was just wonderign if this would be a problem.
  8. P

    All sand substrate?

    ok thanks for such quick replies. I have read to use eggcrate underneth for the rock work, i was wondering if you had any experince with that. thanks again PUD-
  9. P

    All sand substrate?

    I am beggining an African cichlid set-up in my spare 55 gallon tank. I have read up alot on the topic and I was wondering if it was ok to use just sand as a substrate. The tank will most likely be housing Tanganyikan Cichlids. Also I was wodnering how you woudl clean it considering it is sand...
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    Light My Hood

    That sounds like a great idea. I like the idea of the LED lights for the the star effect. The only thing I'm not sure about it spray paint because of toxins that could be released into your water from long term water effects...I'm not poistive about this but something to look into(I can't tell...
  11. P

    Dempsey convict

    Thanks for the reply, Im sure if they succesfully breed I will enjoy watching this intersting group of fry grow up...I was just wondering if they would be closely related to any popular hybrids on the market today. PUD-
  12. P

    what fish go good with sevrums?

    I kept sevs with cons and the cons beat them up alittle because teh sevrums were very timid adn would be quick to back say try to leave out the cons they are highly aggresive.
  13. P

    My First Cichlids

    congrats on the sevs, amazing fish.
  14. P

    Dempsey convict

    Is it possible that my convict has bred with my jack depsey...I had these fish in seprate tanks. the convict is a female that was seprated from her mated pair a while ago. This particular female was laying eggs non-stop for a good year and had many succesful fry . a few months ago i seperated...
  15. P


    I was wondering how many Frontosas can be kept in a 55 gallon tank. And what other fish that people find go well together.
  16. P

    Jack dempsey only tank?

    ok thank you for replying I'm actually getting a 55 gallon with an empror filter with full hood and light for 60 dollars so ill be taking it and posiblly puttin small osacrs in it then transfering them to a larger tank within time
  17. P

    Jack dempsey only tank?

    I know its diffrent everywhere but whats an avg. price for a 125 gallon.
  18. P

    Jack dempsey only tank?

    I have two Jacks who are about 5 inches and are outgrowing there 55 gallon tank which they share with a mated pair of cons. They get along great but I wanted to move the Jacks out and get a newer bigger tank but I wasn't sure of the size because I wanted to put them with other fish, so i wanted...
  19. P

    Empty 10 gallon

    You can keep a crested gecko or two in there with some mantella frogs...I would suggest the Mantella frogs or dart frogs beucase they eat the same things geckos eat so its just that much easier...i prefer crested geckos over most others because they are tropical so you can really make a nice...
  20. P

    What can I keep with Convicts?

    You have got to be kidding me...If he just listened to everyone's advice in the first place this whole thing could have been can't ask a question and then get mad when you hear the answer.
  21. P

    What can I keep with Convicts?

    If you want bigger fish I would definitly purchase a bigger tank...if you were to get sevrums then I woudl start savin up for a bigger tank down the road...they say thats the smallest you shoudl really keep them in but that doesn't mean it's ideal for them...Mine grew slow but they grew big, so...
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    What can I keep with Convicts?

    You can try some German Blue Rams, they are active and bring alot of color to the tank...They should get along with most other fish of the same nature...I haven't had any other fish that would go in a 29 gallon community tank so I can't really comment any any other fish...hope this helps
  23. P

    First time Saltwater tank...

    I understand what your saying abotu the pair...I am going to do some research on some dwarf angels because I have seen a few I was very interested in at my lfs so I just have to make sure im not gettin into sumthing i cant handle. has anyone had experince with a particular dwarf angel that they...
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    Need your opinion on this one...

    ok thanks..ill figure sumthing out
  25. P

    severum and chiclids

    I think it really depends on the size but alothough sevs are thought to be a calm fish I have had a few that were just as agressive as my cons and that was in a large tank,,,so its sumwhat luck of the draw when it comes to personality but if they tank is big enough go for it.
  26. P

    might be getting a 75 gallon

    I agree with nutcase on this one. I have actaully had a 55 gallon tank with a jack, black oscar, and a green was a buitiful mix, they seemed to get along great but i knew when i put them in there the 55 wouldnt be big enough for long so i had to seperate them all in all it was a good...
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    Sevrums can get very big so think down the road when they are all full don't want to overstock...good luck witht he tank
  28. P

    more convict babies ! :)

    good luck with the babies...there will be many more eggs to come as long as you keep thsoe two cons together.
  29. P

    PLEASE WRITE - Is vacuming the tank Important ????

    you should definitly vac...especially with an oscar. All the one's I've ever had have been extremely messy fish.
  30. P

    Im going to be a father

    I know you want to do whatever you can to help them out and i understand. I have had many fish breed and I have always found that sometiem the best thing to do is let the fish take care of it themselves...I have only had one set of babies not make it and it was just a random case of nature I...
  31. P

    What can I keep with Convicts?

    agree with both of the resposes but i just want to add that by adding the male there is a good chance that he will mate with one of the females and in turn causing him to attack other fish in the tank to protect it's young...I have had cons breed and they get VERY hostile...and besides from my...
  32. P

    took lots of pics last night

    the coloration is amazing..thats great :cool:
  33. P

    First time Saltwater tank...

    Thanks for the info guys...I'm probally going to do a 30 gallon saltwater tank with clowns the mushroom you suggested. I've done alot of reading on it and it sounds good...Still the only thing that is concerning me is the number of clowns, i wanted more then 2 but if it wont work out then...
  34. P

    The cold Atlantic...any takers?

    I took Marine Bio when i was in high school and we setup fishtanks with fish from a bay in Bladwin. We netted fish and crabs and put them in there as a project...the fish lasted for the whole I'm pretty sure it can be done. I'd like to know what fish you end up using and how you...
  35. P

    what kind of fish..?

    Maybe you have a large Fancy Guppie...not really sure hard to tell without a picture but good luck with your search hope this could help...let me know how it goes.
  36. P

    First time Saltwater tank...

    Navarre, if I was to purchase more then 2 clowns would this be a problem...would they live in a group or will 2 pair off leaving the other clown alone...and im looking into the mushroom for them...tahnks for the advice.
  37. P

    Need your opinion on this one...

    ok thanks Dwarfs...what canister filter would you suggest for the 75 gallon i have only used hang on back filters thus far.
  38. P

    First time Saltwater tank...

    ok thanks alot, appreciate the help and am hoping to do a 30 or 45 gallon setup with some clowns.
  39. P

    First time Saltwater tank...

    Thanks alot CF...i was lookin at the clowns and have read they are moderate to keep so i was gonna look into them.. Also I was wonderin what size tank would you suggest for a descent size saltwater tank for a begginer that is?
  40. P

    First time Saltwater tank...

    I'm sure your guys get this all the time but I was wondering what some of the best begginer fish are from people who own them. I feel that sometime the employees at the fishstores are just trying to sell to you more then help you. I am expericenced with freshwater for sometime now , not sure if...