Need your opinion on this one...


New Member
Mar 9, 2005
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I could use some advice or just opinions on this...I presently have two jacks and two cons in a 55 gallon tank... i have had them all togher since i bought them so they all get a along great. There is rarely any fighting going on between them but as they are getting bigger i was hoping to seperate them and possibly get rid of the cons. I was wondering what size tank/ filtraion i should get for the jacks and mayb possible tank mates for these guys...also keep in mind these are fairly tame jacks compared to many others i have seen...thanks
A 75g would be good for two full grown Jack dempseys, with a canister filter or a couple large HOB filters (Hang on back filters, AKA power filters) :) Some sort of pleco or a small group of pimelodus cats would make some nice tank mates IMO :nod:
ok thanks Dwarfs...what canister filter would you suggest for the 75 gallon i have only used hang on back filters thus far.
IDK, I've never actually used a canister filter :p Try making a thread in the hardware section and someone should be able to help you out :)

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