Tang Vs Malawi


Fish Crazy
Feb 21, 2004
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I've got a new 30 gallon tank (36x12x16) that I want to put some African Cichlids into but I'm having trouble deciding between Tang and Malawi. I am looking for color, lots of color, but also personality. After reading a bunch in some other forums here are some possibilities I have been considering.

In corner one, from Lake Tang:
2 or 3 - Neolamprologus leleupi
6 - Paracyprichromis nigripinnis


6 - Paracyprichromis nigripinnis
2 or 3 - Xenotilapia flavipinnis

And in the other corner from Lake Malawi:
I think my fav combo:
4 - Lab. Caeruelus
4 - Pseudotropheus Acei


10 to 12 Pseudotropheus Saulosi
Possibly some cats

or lastly

12 Pseudotropheus demasoni
3 Lab. caeruleus

Any thoughts on these ideas are appreciated.
I would go with go with a species tank of saulosi and cats, though the only cat I can think of that would work in this size tank with mbuna is Petricola.

I think the demasoni/lab idea is a good mix but just too many fish for this tank.

I've had cyprochromis and they need more room then this.
I like the idea of the lab & acei mix, acei turn a gorgeous purple when mature, imagine that, bright yellow & deep purple flashing!!! PRETTY!
acei and lab idea is real nice :hey:

but i'm a big fan of the demasoni and lab idea :nod:

though yea that's too many fish for that tank.
Just a word on Pseudotropheus demasonin, I read HERE that they are VERY aggressive and only 1 should go in a 50 GAL tank let alone 12 ?

I'm very new to Mbunas but I certainly wouldn't put 12 of these boys with their attitudes in a 30 gal tank !
I would suggest a Tang tank for a 30 gallon due to the size restriction. If you descide to do this be carefull with the Neolamprologus leleupi because i have two in my tank presently along with 3 compressiceps, 2 Neolamprologus caudopunctatus,1 Julidochromis marlieri, 2 Tropheus duboisii (until they get a little older), along with 3 orange plecos who's name escapes me,and 2 Neolamprologus multifasciatus. and with all of those the only ones that ever have given me problem are the Neolamprologus leleupis.

Hope this could help and i figured i'd list there real names in full if you wanted some ideas on other possible combination of Tangs. Pictures of most of these fish don't do them justice look at your LPS to see what they really look like. Hope this could help.
Just a word of caution.. I had a 30 Gallon mbuna tank and it went on perfectly fine for about a year. I also had a breeding pair of orange chromides in there (I know they are not mbunas but were moderators ;) ). The female died for some reason and when the pair stoped moderating the tank things just went up side down. I tried overstocking again but the delicate balance of leaders was broken and I could never re-gain that.

MY stock was: Pseudotropheus mbamba (trio), Labido caeruleus (1m 3 f), iodotropheus sparengirae (trio), Labidochromis Hongi red top (1m 3 f), 1 Pair orange chromide, 3 Upside down synodontis catfish.

When the female chromide died, the pair was no longer the most aggressige fish in the tank and the hongi male killed the mbamba male and one of the females overnight., I got replacements and move the hongi male into a Q Tank to allow the new commers to settle and they went after the female caeruleus. Had to move the caeruleus out in another Q Tank and then things were just out of control.

Eventually I ended up giving all of them away and reverting back to a planted tank.

I would vote Tanganyikans again... not a fan of lelupies but they are a nice colour to add. You can also have some lovely rosy barbs in with the tangs to add a bit of colour and dither fish.

I have a 30g tang tank (soon to be upgraded once I move house this summer), and I've bent the rules a little with stocking, something which works for me but scores no points with cichlid buffs.

1 x African Butterfly Fish
3 x Multi adults (1m,2f) + fry
5 x Synodontis sp. unknown

I'm planning to sell on a lot of my multis (they're overrunning my tank, and the money might be nice!), and I'm shooting for a pair of Julidochromis marlieri gombe or julidochromis transcriptus, and if I can ever find any, a pair of xenotilapia flavipinnis. I've been assured that this stocking configuration will work out by many a cichlid buff.
Hi I keep demansoni with Crabro, no problems at present.
as for catfish what about Phylonemus typus, they look different, and seem fairly social and non agressive
typus is a very timid cat, IMHO your tank mates would make a quick meal out of him, he's more suited for calm Tanganyikan species.

also they thrive in numbers instead of just one or two.
I think synodontis is an enigma....because anything other than those that seems "peaceful" is gonna die quick in a malawi tank. :crazy: Clown loaches being another acception of course.

I wouldn't even attempt putting pictus in there with them...before he could grow large enough to eat them he'd be lunch.

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