Lake Tanganyika community?


Aug 21, 2004
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Oak Lake
I've been getting kind of bored (and frustrated) with my 33 gallon tank lately, and have been thinking about turning it into a Lake Tanganyika community, with some N. (or L.) brichardi, maybe some multies and other shell dwellers. Would this be alright? The dimensions are 36"x14"x16" (I think). I am planning on using aragonite sand mixed with play sand for a substrate, with lots of rocks as territory boundaries and shells. Would this work? Also, could someone suggest some safe, top-dwelling fish from Tanganyika? And an algae eater (doesn't have to be Tanganyikan, but preferrably African). Thanks!
Sounds good to me..i found with the shell dwellers some seem to like their space and i have them in a 55 gallon so there is plenty of room.try not to go overboard with the shell dwellers. (even though you read that you can put quiet a few in your tank)...also for the top dwelling fish i have a few tricolors who love to swim together near the top of the tank and when fully grown they are amazingly colorful. as for the algea eater i have 2 that do a wonderful job and are perfect for the tank but i cant rember their name, they were expensive but ill try and find out for you....hope this can help and good luck with the tank.

A pair of Brichardi will take over the tank and kill anything in there. Mixing shelldweller species can cause issues over shells and territories and the weaker choice will likely suffer too much stress. IMO a very nice tank can be a Multifasciatus colony - they've got enough character to cover it. With them there is no limit to top dwellers you can go with - anything with a bit of speed that can handle the water.
Well it all depends on what fish you want in there with the Brichardis. Like most Africans they are aggresive but as long as they arent in a mated pair it shouldn't be to awful...and i would look into all differnt Tangs before i decide on just one because there are so many unique kinds id suggest to explore all options first.

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