Jack dempsey only tank?


New Member
Mar 9, 2005
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I have two Jacks who are about 5 inches and are outgrowing there 55 gallon tank which they share with a mated pair of cons. They get along great but I wanted to move the Jacks out and get a newer bigger tank but I wasn't sure of the size because I wanted to put them with other fish, so i wanted to know what fish peopel have found they get along well with...So If people could tell me what fish they recomend then what tank size they suggest it would help me alot.
I would say to go for a 75g and if you are willing, a 125g :nod: I've never kept a Jack though, I don't know what does well with them :)
I know its diffrent everywhere but whats an avg. price for a 125 gallon.
I've never had a JD species tank but I've raised several of them amongst other larger cichlids. Mine have always been... I don't want to say boring, because they aren't... but they don't move around a lot. But that could also be because they were the lone fish of their species in with pairs or groups of other cichlids.

I'd think you could deck out a 125 Gal with several of them (I've never had them breed so have no experience with breeding temperaments). One of the LFS's by me was changing aquarium suppliers and sold me a 125 Gal with stand, tops and lights for $600. From everything I found when tank shopping that was a great price. I wouldn't expect to find one that cheap but it gives you a general ballpark of what a good deal is. I've seen similar set ups go for $1,000 as a high end.
ok thank you for replying I'm actually getting a 55 gallon with an empror filter with full hood and light for 60 dollars so ill be taking it and posiblly puttin small osacrs in it then transfering them to a larger tank within time

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