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    A-Z of useful websites and articles

    general fish Chichlids chichlid
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    A-Z of useful websites and articles

    Feel free to add website you find useful to use Whitespot Snail control Aquariums hobbyist here are just a few please add some more
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    I think my fish have white spot

    That websites brilliant thank you very much
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    Stress causing factors

    Have anyone got some other ideas of how fish stress is caused. i Know movement near the tank to bright light and hoovering near the tank andything else would realy help
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    Where do i get fish from

    In leek its in england
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    I think my fish have white spot

    I am afraid my fish have white spot. I think this as i have seen white spots on them and have read a brief discription on it. I seriously need to find out what to do. I do however have the white spot medicine but i am afraid to dose the tank and if there isnt white spot.
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    Do you name your fish?

    I name my bigger fish or any fish that stands out.i dont name my neons or rasboras as they look like each other. And if i can think of an appropriate name such as my betta Bruce (bruce lee the fighter) My plec Sushi (i dont know why) My red crab Edward (scissor hands) The snail bryan (like...
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    Where do i get fish from

    :huh: I keep asking people if they know where to get saltwater fish from i was thinking about starting but without anywhere to get fish i may as well just have freshwater
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    Should i get a female for may male Betta

    Does this till apply in a community tank
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    A betta purse?????????? dont know what one is but im against it all the way im signing the petion but what is a betta purse
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    do Bettas Like Cucumber?

    Mine likes courgette. IT ABSOLUTELY love blood worm. Seeing a betta go for frozen bloodworm is awsome
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    Or A Problem Already!

    Tights? or anything with biggish hole in the holes should be small enough to stop the bettas tail.
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    So ugly that they're cute

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    Terrible Day

    I know how heartbraking this can be its happened to me to. I was sure the gap was to small. I have got a new lid so there are very tiny gaps i hope it never happens again
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    Sorry to be the voice of bad news but is there any particular reason ur nitrate was high. Perhaps you have to many fish. Its always worthwile to think this before getting more fish
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    dyed angel fish?

    I have seen some dyed angel fish. They dont look natural and i wouldnt risk it personally i would go for a natural coloured one, as the dyes are often poisonous
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    Brine shrimp eggs

    I am look ing to purchase some brine shrimp eggs to start a hatchery. I would like to know where i can obtain fairly large amounts fairly cheaply in the uk. Please tell me where you can find it as well please. I am also looking for a pump thanks. I would also welcome any hints ideas or advise
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    How do you move a tank

    I am worried about my fish tank when i move house it has fish in how can i transport it.
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    How do females fare in community tanks?

    Female are excellent community fish however keep them away from fish that fin nip
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    2 Bettas in 1 tank

    I know that most people say they fight each other to the death and some say they can live peacefully. I dont want to risk it as two bettas fighting is cruel. True or false please answer
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    Whats the difference

    Im soory for my ignorance but could someone please explain what all the different classes mean thanks
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    Live Black Worms

    I dont know I recommend bloodworm a lot for bettas. Frozen black worms would be good as they will not burrow or rot
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    What is happening

    Is it normal but my plec is constantly changing colour from light brown to Thick black patterns IS IT NORMAL?
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    I think my neons are pregnant

    2 of my 8 tetrs have got very large stomachs and a lump on top of that please tell me if they are/nt pregnant and wot to do if they r
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    2 sudden deaths in a day.

    Dont worry everyones done it some more than once it sounds like youve built the tank up two fast i advise you in future to take it nice and slow. Nice choice of fish
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    Live Food

    I have recently been reading up about live food. I am not sure about it. It can contain deseases and it seems cruel. However i dont know how to obtain live food. I mean live food such as brine shrimp and daffnia can someone point me in the right direction please
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    Betta Vase

    I have recently on my travels come across a betta vase. it is 3 inches in diameter 5 inches tall and has no heater or filtration HOW CAN A BETTA SURVIVE
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    Whats the best Betta youve ever seen

    The best betta i have seen is a flame red with even bigger fins than normal. It also when it caught the light a lot of its scales turned bright blue.
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    I think my 2 of my tetras r pregnant

    I have 8 neons and i am concerned that 2 of them are pregnant. I an concerned as compared to the others they have a larger belly and what appears to be a large lump on it. Please could you tell me what this is
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    Aqua babies is a craze sweeping north america. They are four fish and a plant in a 4 inch cube of water the fish inside are anything from zebra danios and tetras to male bettas and lobsters this is extremely cruel as the fish barely survive as they cannot grow to their natural size and suffer...
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    It is really cool i recommend it i also recommend getting a female as they live longer
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    Tiger barbs How to get rid of them

    I do not want to kill them but they attack my other fish. so far they have killed 3 angels and 4 platys there are three of them and i cant take them back to the shop or afford a new tank. They can not be returned to the shop as the shop keeper denys selling them.
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    Okay stocking choice for a 120 gallon?

    I reccomend some biggish fish that wont be eaten. if you want catfish have large ones. and avoid any unpotted expensive plants
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    ADF What on earth does it mean

    :huh: Please will someone explain to me what ADF thank you
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    Fish food

    I feed my fish daily with a standard flake food i also feed them weekly with bloodworm. please tell me if you use live foods or if you have any information on homemade food. and foods your fish eat e.g garden peas just generally tell me about your experiences and recamendations with fish food...
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    Should i get a female for may male Betta

    I have a male betta and he appears to be lonely. I used to keep him with some platys but the platys have slowly died out so none are left. He has recently appeared to be lonely should i get a female betta to keep him company, I do however not want to bread the male and female should i get one...