Do you name your fish?

Do you name your fish?

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Rabid Betta Activist
Jan 24, 2005
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I was just wondering if people here name their fish, a few of them, or all of them. I know some people don't consider them to be pets, more of a hobby or decoration, but I was wondering on a fish forum if it'd be any different. Then again, some of you probably have TONS of fish, and if they all look similar...well.. :lol:
Mine are:
Dickey Barett
Tiny Tim
Tangaloor Firefins
Leanora Whitstand Merill (A snail, but eh...)
it depends... all of the adult fish that i have bought have names, but the fry do not have names yet. :p

i have 4 black mollies, 7 yellow twin bar platies and 15 guppies that need names, but they are do quick and so similar looking, that it is hard to tell them apart... :D

oh yeah and one of my guppy fry aparently had babies already!! they are only a few months old, an i just saw three little pairs of eyes looking out from the java moss! :hyper:
I name my bettas, and occasionally my other fish.
My bettas are Daquiri, Bluebeard, Prince Igor, Captain Morgan, Mai Tai [all male and named after alcohol or alcoholic drinks] and then Tinkerbell, the female.

I named my panda cories when I had a pair of them.. Starsky & Hutch. Then one died. I don't know which one! :lol: I haven't named my rams or anything, but I've named one of my neons 'outcast'. When I bought them they were on sale as neons, but when I got home I discovered I had 5 cardinals and a neon. So the lone neon is the outcast. :nod:
I used to name all my bettas, but then I started to accumulate too many... so the newest few don't have names. I really only call my three favourites by name, anyway. Bartleby, Malachi, and Altarib. The oscar, midas-thing, and bichir have names, too. Aristotle, Marie Antoinette (or Antoine if it ends up being male, lol,) and Eligos, respectively :D

Edit: Oh, and then there's Reginald the bumblebee catfish ;)
:lol: That's the trouble with 2 animals that look basically identical living in the same tank. I have trouble telling my two albino mice apart sometimes. Luckily Nadja tends to be a bit pudgy, and very bitey, so if something fat and vicious is hanging from my finger, I know who it is. :rofl:
For me it depends on the fish. My mom and sister started to call my clown loaches nemo so I went wiht that and name them nemo, nemo jr, and nemo senior.
I name my male bettas and Angelfish.

Angelfish: Spanky


Betta :p He actually has no name, so for now his name is Betta
my problem is that i just don't think of names for ANY pets... i have two kittens that my mom finally named for me; i was just calling them orange-one and grey-one. the fish are named "puffer fish", "khulii loach", "pleco", "bristlenose", "boy-krib", "lady krib", "stupid guppy", etc. :/

i kinda take a pratchett-esque approach to these things: they don't need names; they know who they are.

(this does have its benefits: i yell "Cat" and all three of my mom's show up at once.)
I name my bigger fish or any fish that stands out.i dont name my neons or rasboras as they look like each other. And if i can think of an appropriate name such as

my betta Bruce (bruce lee the fighter)
My plec Sushi (i dont know why)
My red crab Edward (scissor hands)
The snail bryan (like on the magic roundabout)
my other snail gary (off spongebob)

Dont laugh i did call my fish these names
if something fat and vicious is hanging from my finger, I know who it is.


the people, the cats, the guinea pigs, the budgies and the betta all have names.
the aquarium fish don't
probably because within species, I can't tell one individual from another.
I just do head counts
Yeah, we name most of our fish as well... Unless there are too many that look alike

Usually name all the cory cats (currently: Viz, Bubba, Fran) and bettas (Fred, JD, Bob, Ferdie, George, Beulah)... the Golden Nugget plec is just MrPlec, the BN plec is Hoover...

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