How do females fare in community tanks?


New Member
Jun 14, 2004
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Alberta, Canada
I have a 20 gallon high community tank with a male and a female German blue Ram along with 3 blue tetras. I was wondering how one female betta would do in this set up. It is a densly planted tank with many caves at the bottom for the rams and floating cabomba at the top. Any imput would be great. thx
Female are excellent community fish however keep them away from fish that fin nip
I would say it depends on the female. Some are aggresive :flex: , some not-so-much. I have one of the aggresive types in my 5 gallon with a snail and a couple otto's and a ghost shrimp. Have tried other fish combo's in there with her ( Platy, Glo-Lite Neons, Cherry Barbs ) and she just bullied them all. She prefers to be alone for the most part. The Otto's stay outta her way, she acts like they ain't even there... :whistle:

I have 2 other females in my 20 gallon High with Platy's, Cory's, Cherry Barbs, Glo-Lite Neons, Otto's and a couple loaches and they do just fine. They even seem to get along with each other just fine.....

I have had a couple other females over the years, some aggresive, some docile, just depends on their personality :/
As others have said, they can be great community fish in the right community with the right fish. If you put them in with bright colored, betta-looking fish, you'll probably get a massacre as the females can be quite agressive to their own kind. If you put them in with fin nippers or larger fish, the girls may end up on the menu. If you get one agressive and one passive female, they could fight and kill each other. However, if you can find a few mild-mannered girls who can stick up for themselves around other fish, they should do just great :thumbs:

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