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  1. P

    which fish will not die easily

    Zebra Danios are coldwater, and man, those things just won't DIE. I had one that lived for over 5 years, and by the time it finally died, it was the ugliest, most repulsive fish in whole wide world. But he sure was hardy!!!! If you want tropical, you can go with Convict Cichlids. If those things...
  2. P

    Dammed cat has mauled and killed my fish!!

    Yeah, and Opcn, be careful what you say about cats--I simply adore them! When I think of anyone trying to shoot my babies...of course, that's one of the many reasons I don't let them outside in the first place...
  3. P

    Are my Cories trying to breed?

    I have three Corydoras Catfish, a male and female albino and one spotted cory. They are in a 4 ft long tank with 3 upside down catfish, a few livebearers, a killifish, 2 small Clown Loaches and 3 Kuhli Loaches. It has good filtration, lots of fake plants and other decor, and sand substrate. It's...
  4. P

    Omg they really werent kidding.

    It's probably not bad. Just don't feed him baitshop worms! Baitshop worms are generally raised in rabbit poop, and are full of bacteria and nasties that could get your frog sick.
  5. P

    Snail eggs???

    You might be able to find a fish store that will give you in-store credit for them.
  6. P

    Snail eggs???

    Maybe. Or you could get a few fish that like to eat snails, such as loaches or puffers. I breed lung snails (which have thin shells and no trapdoors) to feed to my Clown Loaches.
  7. P

    Snail eggs???

    Geez, don't be so surprised! Snails are infamously prolific. You'll be up to your gills in baby snails in no time!
  8. P

    Crabitat help

    Personally, I think it's a good idea to give your crab its own home. Fish and crabs seldom get along well, as it is in the crab's instinct to try and snag your fish if it can. For a crabitat, use a 10 gallon tank with a good cover so they can't escape. Sand makes the best substrate, as it...
  9. P

    Im getting a Pacman frog

    If the holes can fill up with water, you probably have it a little too wet -_- . Looks good other than that, though!! Here's a baby pic of my pacman--he still looks the same only bigger:
  10. P

    Common American Toads

    If you want to let them go, let them go now or as soon as their tails completely disappear, otherwise captivity can impair your toadlets' ability to survive/find food on their own. If you want to keep them, give them a dry setup with a fairly large, shallow waterdish. Dirt works as a substrate...
  11. P

    Im getting a Pacman frog

    Pretty pacman!! I do like the colors. ww--peat moss is a good thing to have as it helps keep the soil from packing down so much that the toad can't burrow down in it, so it's a very good thing to have (shouldn't be too hard to find). When you dampen down your soil, get it good and moist but...
  12. P

    Any of you feel this way ??

    While there are a few plastic ornaments made to look like things that you probably wouldn't normally see in my fishes' natural habitat, the only fluorescent objects in any of my tanks are the lights. Much of the "unnatural" decor in my tanks are hand-me-downs that I use just to give my fish...
  13. P

    Small frogs/shrimps/crabs

    Geez, didn't matter how much I fed my shrimp, they still went after my fish fry.
  14. P

    Omg they really werent kidding.

    Oh, yes! My pacman does the same thing. Instead of feeding him crickets, sometimes I'll just go and dig up a couple nightcrawlers for him. He eats 'em like spaghetti! :drool:
  15. P

    Small frogs/shrimps/crabs

    I would definitely go with the ADFs. Shrimp will often attempt to snag small fish (such as endlers). I have had this problem before with my ghost shrimp. I have never had this problem with my African Dwarves, however, and IMO they are just the cutest little guys ever! They are also very hardy...
  16. P

    One ODD Clown Loach...

    I recently (about a month ago) bought two young Clown Loaches for a 4-foot-long livebearer tank of mine. I love them both to death. At first, they both had fun schooling with the 3 cory cats I had in there already. Lately, however, one of them has kind of broken away from the herd. Instead of...
  17. P

    ADF playing dead

    Actually, that's not uncommon for adf's. It seems like one of their hobbies is thinking up weird yoga positions to float around in so that their owners think they are dead. Floating around at the time just means that they are feeling extra lazy--they don't have to go very far to get a breath of air.
  18. P

    Im getting a Pacman frog

    I use 50/50 mix of peat moss/potting soil for my frog that I usually replace once every month or so. It's not hard; take the frog out, empty the tank, put in more peat/dirt, put the frog back. SJ: Pacman frogs do not need fans or even lighting of any sort--UV or otherwise--though if you do get...
  19. P

    Im getting a Pacman frog

    Not a good setup there, actually. In their natural habitat, pacman frogs live in moist dirt and leaf litter, and should be able to burrow down in the dirt. My own likes sitting in the dirt with just his face visible, and will sometimes disappear under the dirt altogether, often for long periods...
  20. P

    Sheila got Banned

    No, I'm not talking about a forum member, although she would probably get banned from here, too, if she could be. I'm talking about a fish. A very nasty fish. A very nasty female Marigold Swordtail fish. She wasn't that bad at first, a bit of chasing here, a little bullying there. And then I...
  21. P

    Toad lifespan ?

    It's probably a different toad. Toads usually only live around 2 to 3 years in the wild, although I have heard of them living up to 10 years--sometimes more--in captivity.
  22. P


    The clawed frogs are mislabeled. That happens a lot--you get clawed frogs sold to you as dwarf frogs and dwarf frogs sold to you as clawed frogs.
  23. P

    Getting sick of treating fungus

    A long time ago, I had a rather spunky female swordtail by the name of Sheila. Unfortunately, her "spunkiness" slowly but steadily turned to aggression. The other two swords I had in the tank were only half grown, but as they grew, one turned out to be a male. And this male, Rowan, was attracted...
  24. P

    A whole new challenge...................

    It sounds like you're going to have to keep this little guy or give him to someone else willing to take care of him if you can save him; there's no way he can live in the wild anymore with an injury like that.
  25. P

    ADF and crabs

    I second Kiarra!!!
  26. P

    Turtle Tale

    That's what I was wondering! :P
  27. P

    Betta in the Bog that case, I would have been surprised if she wasn't stressed out!!! The little bog is positively teeming with little underwater critters that the betta loves to eat. If anything, he may even become fat! The temperature swings are my biggest concern, though. I have tried to get poor...
  28. P

    Betta in the Bog

    Like I say, an excellent filtration system is a must. Was it too cold for your betta/poor filtration? Was she being hassled by the goldfish at all? Nevertheless, a betta in Bubbles' tank is definitely something I would still watch carefully. A lot of fish don't work with her because she is...
  29. P

    Betta in the Bog

    Actually, you'll find that most people who keep fancy goldfish generally keep the water temperatures around 76-78 F to promote the best health. If the betta does decide to pick on Bubbles, I always have a spare 2 gallon I could probably put him in, but I'd have to find a heater for it. It is...
  30. P

    Betta in the Bog

    I recently had a "bog garden" added next to my fishpond--AKA, a 50 gal animal trough bought at a farm depot, sunk into the ground next to the pond, filled to the brim with water and a little over half way with "muck," and then planted with a 60 dollar lotus (with only 3 small leaves at the...
  31. P

    Strange "growths"

    I answer most of the fish questions on one of my forums as it is just part of another larger pet forum and there aren't that many people who are any good with fish on it. I was reading through the posts today, however, and I had to admit that This One got me stumped. Can anyone please help me...
  32. P


    I raised two Green Frogs from tadpoles and kept them for several years. I fed them mainly on algae tablets. Green Frog/Bullfrog/Leopard Frog tads are generally too big to be eaten. If they are small and black, then they're toadpoles. I have around ten billion of them in my fish pond right now...
  33. P

    Corydoras Catfish

    Well, all of my fish are generally much too shy for that; it wasn't really what you could call a "nibble" either. I don't know what it was.
  34. P

    Corydoras Catfish

    I was doing my weekly water changes today as usual, and as I was siphoning the gravel when one of my generally unassuming cories zipped up, tapped me on the hand with its nose, and immediately zoomed back down again to ignore for the rest of the time. Odd, seeing as not even my marigold sword...
  35. P

    Carnivorous FROG!!!

    I really doubt a 100% water change would be a good idea--maybe 50% or so at most regularly should keep it clean, though.
  36. P

    Damn Catfish!!!

    OOOO! OOO!!! I ADORE pictus cats!! Mail it to me!!! I'll pay for shipping (if it's not too much)
  37. P

    A shocking trend in fishkeeping

    :blink: :blink: ummm....this is a very, VERY--ah--INTERESTING thread, here... :sick: :crazy: :rofl:
  38. P


    I'm planning on adding 3 cory cats and a few Kuhli Loaches from another tank as bottom feeders. I love the idea of Pearl Gouramis best, but currently, I'm just a poor, starving artist right now. :X I just barely got away with the 40 gallon by using a tank a friend gave me, spare gravel, a spare...
  39. P


    I have recently finished cycling a new 4ft long 40 gal aquarium and now have the very enviable problem of deciding on what fish I want to put in it (I want it to be a community aquarium). I would like a small schooling fish--zebra danios or cherry barbs, I'm leaning toward the barbs--and some...
  40. P


    Cuties!!! :wub: