Betta in the Bog


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Jan 18, 2005
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I recently had a "bog garden" added next to my fishpond--AKA, a 50 gal animal trough bought at a farm depot, sunk into the ground next to the pond, filled to the brim with water and a little over half way with "muck," and then planted with a 60 dollar lotus (with only 3 small leaves at the moment).

Anyway, over the past few weeks, the little bog has been teeming with tiny underwater "bugs." So, seeing as it would be a natural habitat for it anyway, I decided to buy a betta to put in it. I went to the lfs--which is really terrible, by the way--and finally settled on a somewhat pretty (if rather sorry looking at the moment) pale blue male betta. When I put him in the bog, he was freaked out for the first couple of minutes, but when he finally found all the little bugs, he was like a kid in a candy shop!!! I figure he should really color up and become healthy on his diet of live foods and sunshine. He seems just as happy as could be!!!

When the weather cools down too much for him, I'll take him inside and put him in my 25 gal tank with my goldfish, Bubbles. Normally, I wouldn't trust a goldfish--or many fish at all, for that matter--with a betta, what with those long, pretty fins, but Bubbles...well, Bubbles is different. She's a female Oranda I rescued from a goldfish bowl who has now grown to be fairly large. She's so sweet and mild, though, I have literally raised broods of livebearer fry with her without having to worry about a single one of them being eaten. She could inhale them without even realizing it, but she never does. So I figure the Betta--I think I'll call him Lazuli--should be safe with her until he can spend the next summer in the bog garden.

Anyway, I just had to tell you guys about it. I was wondering what you think of the idea of a betta in a bog garden? Good? Bad? Both?
Hmm, bettas really need heated water, 76-80 degrees to be healthy. Your goldfish cannot handle these temps. Coldwater and freshwater fish really shouldn't be mixed. And if the goldfish doesnt go for the betta, the betta might go for the goldfish.

EDIT: i mean coldwater and tropical fish. :*)
No idea about the bog thing, but goldfish are cold water and bettas are tropical. Plus goldfish produce an immense amount of waste which a lot of other fish have trouble tolerating.

So in a simple answer, I would never put a betta with a goldfish...
Considering how bettas don't naturally live in bogs, I have no idea. What is the 'muck' per se?
Actually, you'll find that most people who keep fancy goldfish generally keep the water temperatures around 76-78 F to promote the best health. If the betta does decide to pick on Bubbles, I always have a spare 2 gallon I could probably put him in, but I'd have to find a heater for it. It is true that goldfish give off a lot of waste, but that's just as harmful to the goldfish as it is to other fish--which means that Bubbles has a lot of room and an excellent filtration system in her tank along with regular weekly water changes.

The muck is pretty much just potting soil. And correct me if I'm wrong, but don't bettas live in rice patties/stagnant water in Thailand (pretty much the equivalent of my bog)?
Oh my gosh... They had a betta and goldfish together at one of the walmarts I go to.... :crazy:
This is very interesting indeed, keep us updated on this, as I've actualy wondered how a betta would fare in a pond :) and like stated above, the betta/goldfish combo may not work, but then again, it may, i guess when it comes to that, you'll have to just watch, huh? :) good luck, and we would LOVE pictures.
I found my female hovered in a goldfish tank all pale with clamped fins, ready to have a heart attack.

I definitely would not put them together, if only just because of the crap that goldfish produce, because I don't think mine would be happy, but if you think it could work than good luck to you! :nod:
Like I say, an excellent filtration system is a must. Was it too cold for your betta/poor filtration? Was she being hassled by the goldfish at all?

Nevertheless, a betta in Bubbles' tank is definitely something I would still watch carefully. A lot of fish don't work with her because she is just so easy to pick on--right now she just has a single male feeder guppy for company, and she acts pretty lonely. I had to put a platy in her tank for a short time once, and she was greatly interested in him until he started to pick on her, too and had to be removed shortly...

I'm pretty sure the potting soil is safe. It's pretty much just sterilized black dirt.
I have no idea, this was in a petstore of all places. :rolleyes: I bought her instantly, and her colors came in fully a month later (she's so beautiful now!) :D
The whole pond thing in general sounds very intersting to me.
I would be incredibly worried about the temperature swings and that sort of thing.

You do feed him other than what he can find in there, right?

Although it's a great idea in theory, I'd probably be tempted to bring him inside to the 2 gallon...
Well, I would like to know if the betta/goldfish combo works. But if you are looking for a peaceful friend for the goldfish, a betta might not be your best bet. Might I suggest getting her another peaceful girl goldfish friend?
Seahorse said:
I have no idea, this was in a petstore of all places. :rolleyes: I bought her instantly, and her colors came in fully a month later (she's so beautiful now!) :D that case, I would have been surprised if she wasn't stressed out!!!

The little bog is positively teeming with little underwater critters that the betta loves to eat. If anything, he may even become fat! The temperature swings are my biggest concern, though.

I have tried to get poor Bubbles another goldfish buddy--even a super-hybridized one--but she's still gotten picked on. I am tempted to try a female Black Moor, though.
Hmm, is there a heater in this bog? because temp swings will be a problem.

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